Where to get..


Hey After a party last night I realized I may not always be there to change my lights, so Solution I get a light timer.. But where can I get a cheap light timer that won't crap out on me?
Jesus another way hydro stores rape you. Go to walmart and get one for 5 bucks. I've been using 3 for forever from there.
stay away from hydro store timers...every one I've ever bought craps out on me..I go with those heavy duty intermatic sprinkler timers now.
I bought several of these when I was still using 400w lights. It will even handle 1 1K light. This is the exact same timer being sold at the local hydro store for $24. Harbor Freight Tools.


It wont take heavy amperage draws well, Smokey is right on that one, but for an inexpensive solution it works. I bought 8 and only one crapped on me, and they replaced it free.
there the brinks timer from walmart. yeah sum work. but sum go out and are not accurate been there done that. they have sum at home depot that i like there black made by GE
no matter what you pay for it be sure its a 3-prong type, incase you ever get a ground in your lighting sytem or w/e you are timing, saving a couple buks isnt worth getting shocked.
I guess i got so used to ordering from hydro shops online because for so many years i was dependent on mail order, Being about 3 hours in the hilltops. Now living in a more urban area a i have been tending to shop local. And also i like to give examples, to steer growers in the right direction , although i realize whatever i give as an example there is gonna be others (at least one for sure) that it will offend and get there panties in a bunch.

buy w/e products from w/e you want, i'm not a salesmen, just here to help.