Dad always said "Opinions and Excuses are like ass holes, everyone has one and they all stink!", since this is a public forum built for the purpose of sharing ass holes.... ahem.... opinions

As I recall she hasn't always been warm either bro! I wasn't a participating member at the time but I recall reading that she was serving you sideways before also and that you tried parting ways then she started coming undone. Dude, my ex is bi-polar and I am getting flashbacks like a mo-fo right about now. Your lady isn't a gun owner right?! You were listening to Jimmi the other day right?! "Hey Joe"and "Manic Depression", ya heard!? lol
**Forgot to give the all important opinion lol
Ah crap, you know what to do! Do it the right way though else you will feel bad about it, you know it's true! Those of us who won't go there shouldn't change that position man. That shit sucks though man, I feel for you bro!
take care bro!