The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Disturbed is some big nostalger for me lol. bought some weights off a m8 the other day decided its time to bulk back up, i hit them hard to hard infact i cant even lift my phone , my hands are like dead weights on the keyboard haha sucks balls. feel armless lol


Well-Known Member
i achieve the same thing by wanking...

Disturbed is some big nostalger for me lol. bought some weights off a m8 the other day decided its time to bulk back up, i hit them hard to hard infact i cant even lift my phone , my hands are like dead weights on the keyboard haha sucks balls. feel armless lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Doing reading on glassblowing and watching fools and horses. Still trying to work out how best to light and filter my breeding cabinet.


Well-Known Member
aye sucks im so fucking bored, got no weed cant afford any either :( managed to get some beers in but starting to cluck now fml.


Well-Known Member
im after a new extraction fan in a few weeks if anyone has one spare not being used or knows of anyone send me a PM with a price :)


Well-Known Member
evenin all, great to see Rangers giving those paranoid kiddy fiddling soap dodging bin raking fuckin scum sucking bawbags a goin over. 4-2 , superb result. well im germ'ing tonight gents, just dropped my lights from 600 watt to 400, temps still a bit a high though and a part from an a/c unit i cant do anything else at the moment but its quite warm outside so not too worried. just phoned a chinese; spicy chicken wings ,special curry with chips and a can of coke....mmmmmmm. lovely. all my housework done and i mean the fuckin lot, floors mopped, windows washed, bed changed, the whole fuckin deal, great feeling. tomorrow i'll go and give the community service lady my doctors line covering me for a month and then fuck off to my uni nite class in glasgow. almost all my tic money is in and ive got sum spare cash, humped fuck out the bird last nite so that'll keep her quiet for a few days and had a great two days with my wee boy. FUCKIN FANTASIC WEEKEND.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Sounds goo mate. I feel rather bad about my weekend, i've literally been sat on this sofa since the wee hours of saturday and havn't moved or done anything of great use other than play silly computer games and watch fools n horses and get sloshed.


Well-Known Member
Sounds goo mate. I feel rather bad about my weekend, i've literally been sat on this sofa since the wee hours of saturday and havn't moved or done anything of great use other than play silly computer games and watch fools n horses and get sloshed.
SNAP! managed to finish 2 tunes iv been making though but im so bored its untrue .......

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Floor mopping window cleaning nonse is more like it. I got beer, i'm perfectly happy now :D also got fish cakes and duck spring rolls. Whooo