getting rid of grow trash

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i have a pretty small grow so i don't usually have problems getting rid of grow trash. the plant matter usually gets packed in fast food bags and thrown out at the car wash, and root balls get tilled into the ugly section of my yard. however, this summer i've been on the late show and my shit really piled up. i'm not worried about the dirt but i now have two 5 gallon buckets stuffed full of branches and leaves.

basically i'm wondering if i can put a bunch of water in the bucket with some chemicals and turn the branches into some kind of goop, and then just chuck that outside among the weeds. i'm thinking bleach or ph up or down or something. it would have to be something that would goopify the branches but not eat through the plastic bucket. any suggestions? (yes i'm stoned but this is the stealthiest thing i can think of)

Total Head

Well-Known Member
if you could see my car you would understand why i don't want to drive around with this volume of stuff. my car screams "pull me over". at least when it's in fast food bags it just looks like i'm a slob (which i am. the interior of my car is disgusting). i like the idea of having a shitty section of my yard to ditch the stuff in without having to transport it, i just can't throw it as is. there are no public dumpsters here and i've been caught twice illegally dumping regular trash in random apartment complex' dumpsters. my city has some illegal dumping epidemic and they stick cameras in the oddest places to catch people and then paste it all over the evening news like some kind of warning.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
dig a hole.
this is probably my best bet right here. i noticed no one is going to touch my "bucket of goo" idea with a 10 foot pole. i just don't want to appear suspiscious digging a hole in my yard. with the root balls i just throw them off the back porch on a rainy night and then rake it all in the next day. i suppose i could dig a hole and then cover it with the root balls. i'm a paranoid fucker though.


Active Member
I live in a apartment, im always on top of it though, but it goes out the regular bumpster. Like chop it up knock off all the dirt and put her in the trash or your niebours, what? are garbage collectors DEA too.


Active Member
I live in a apartment, im always on top of it though, but it goes out the regular bumpster. Like chop it up knock off all the dirt and put her in the trash or your niebours, what? are garbage collectors DEA too.
Not sure about Canada, but in the states, as soon as your trash hits the curb, if you are under investigation, it gets picked up and gone through for evidence. I have a fire pit in my back yard. That's where my "waste" goes.


Well-Known Member
for small clippings, the disposal works fine. For larger things like males pulled out, run over them with the lawn mower when you mow your lawn. They mulch up with the rest of the grass and get bagged. It all looks and smells like unidentifiable plant matter at that point.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
I have a worm farm...i bought a pund of red wiggler worms from ghe nursery, bought a used cooler and drilled some wholes in it, and put the worms in there with all my biodegradable waste. Stalks dont break down as fast as leaves, but quickly they are so fucked up you would never know what it was, so you can then just throw it away. My problem is nutrient bottles... I guess gas station garbage cans in fast food bags could work right?


I have a worm farm...i bought a pund of red wiggler worms from ghe nursery, bought a used cooler and drilled some wholes in it, and put the worms in there with all my biodegradable waste. Stalks dont break down as fast as leaves, but quickly they are so fucked up you would never know what it was, so you can then just throw it away. My problem is nutrient bottles... I guess gas station garbage cans in fast food bags could work right?
More of you guys should start composting your kitchen scraps than when harvest comes you just add your wast to the compost pile / or worms if your dont have a yard , benifits / Fresh compost for your plants / or compost / wormcasting tea for you hydo people /plus less reguar kitchen scrapes that you pay your garbge man or landfill to throw away for you when its great for plants around you yard or your grow room Compost people and Recycle ...


Active Member
use as much of the "waste" as you can making hash, teas, oils, etc...once its completely processed and looks like a pile of green shit, it shouldnt smell...dry it out and get a 30 dollar camp ground fire pit for your back yard...throw some twigs n branches n shit in it and spark her special smell to the fire if its processed and nothing but ashes left


Well-Known Member
get a small composter, get out the Ginsu,chop that shit up and feed it to the worms...all that plant material is is valuable nutrients you can be putting back into the soil. Oh yeah grow tomatoes in buckets, if someone asks tell them it an old dead tomato plant.


Well-Known Member
i always put my garden waste into black bin bags and take it to the local tip have done for a while now with no problems


Well-Known Member
Couple good tips already TH.I like.....dig a hole,worm bin,compost.

You don't have much privacy in ya yard bro?

I'm lucky to have some woods in the back yard so it is pretty easy for me to dispose of shit i don't need.

Be safe bro.