We already Paid for the Nuclear MIssles
We should of launched a couple
Statements like this are why I have little to none, as far a respect in your case goes.
Are you serious? So we should nuke the country because some small percentage of the country is "terrorists" hiding out in mountains?
Fucking get real, should we nuke Russia because there might still be some commies over there planning a master scheme for the demise America? Of course they don't have to d anything, jsut sit back and let clowns like you dictate the American agenda.
Your are real smart guy when you get to live with conveniences of a modern society like water on tap, electricity, cable tv and internet so what do you know of what the peaceful citizens have to make of us invading their country. We kill innocents over there ALL the time, it's fucking murder man, think about it. And then some band of patriots for that country fights us because they want us OUT of their country and yet we plaster them as "terrorists" on our TV channels? We are the OFFENSIVE country, we invaded them, and for what? To fight a tactic of warfare? GTFO, I am ashamed of America for our actions towards these poor countries, kill Osama and Hussien, fine, that's done but WAIT! ohh we are still over there.
Trying to explain how a nation who is supposed to promote democracy and liberty while that nation is invading countries, killing innocents, and helping to overthrow governments to you is like trying to drive down the freeway in reverse...