Quick Soil Question/Help

I will be doing a picture update in the next day or two, but oh man... I've got trichrome production and they are smelling DELICIOUS! The two in the back smell very strongly of fruit and they make my mouth water. Still waiting on preflowers on the new ones...
I transplanted the little ones into 10qt pots and made a new soil mixture for them.
3 parts Perlite
2 parts Worm Castings
2 parts Top Soil
1 part Potting Soil
1 part Coco Fiber

So far they're loving it. Pictures are to come in a day or 2.


Well-Known Member
Id be more looking towards where you are going too, i do still remember those old plants!lol! Peace
Update: I had the 600 watt sunpulse bulb go out on me... So I set up the 400 Watt ballast as the flowering bulb until I replace the 600 and I also put the rest of the veg into 12/12... I am not having a good week with my lighting.

EDIT: 600 watt bulb has been replaced.
Big changes, I swapped the 4 bamboo plants into the 2x4 tent under the 400 Watt and the 8 little ones are sitting under the 600 Watt light. Did a good flush for all the little ones as well. and got a new wall mounted fan for the big tent as well as another filter, which I am yet to put together. (Admittedly I am lazy because I have to screw the flange onto the can filter and I do not own a power drill... so I have to do it the old fashioned way and it hurts... But i'll do that tomorrow)

Full picture update to come tomorrow... well I guess much later today technically speaking.

Also the PM did start to come back on one of the bamboo plants and the rest had a spot here and there, but I sprayed them with greencure and things are back to normal for now. The two smaller bamboo girls are REALLY snowey... they smell very strongly of berries and a background diesely type smell. The snowcap smells kinda pine forest mixed with a stronger smell of skunk. and the lemon diesel smells faintly of lemons but that still has a long while.
The bugs seem to have been erradicated.. I let the temps fall to 63 and I haven't seen em since.

I also forgot to mention but I got a hold of my first two strains that I grew and have popped both of them and one has broken through the surface of the dirt. Strain: Endless Sky I am VERY excited to do these with good light. And the seeds from sannies have not made it yet and they were reshipped. :-(


Well-Known Member
Good growing dude, i await the pics so dont let me down. Things sound like there going smoothly then bro??? Peace
Good growing dude, i await the pics so dont let me down. Things sound like there going smoothly then bro??? Peace
Sorry man, I've been busy and forgot to do it... I'll get that up when the lights turn on. But on the plus side I got the seeds from sannies with some fem freebies!! Woot! Now I'm turning my attention to a good clone/veg system... I'll post my thoughts on that later. Perhaps I'll do a picture in paint and post that and get your ideas/critisizms.
Here is my general idea. I would like to start with a simple cheap steel shelfing unit and cover it in mylar and then cover that with plywood. I would probably cover the front with a blanket if I needed to.



Well-Known Member
I use the lightwave unit which is 4 x 2foot t5 flourescents and a decent fan. When i clone i just use jiffy cubes with rooting fluid/powder. Clones just sit around the edges of the veg chamber whilst rooted plants are directly under the light. I use the jiffy cube tray to hold the clones till they have been rooted and never need the humidity dome. Apart from lights a fan and rooting medium you need little else for a veg or clone chamber, keep it simple.

Your idea will do but consider how many clones or plants you want to grow as to the final size. Peace


Well-Known Member
Probably from a feminised grow, this will produce all female seeds. Looks good, no reason to change a thing really, think you'll get a decent harvest of these for sure.

This would be close to day 1 of flowering for me from your pics.

Is about the right time to be thinking of the next batch, few weeks and then get some seeds or clones under way, soon as you harvest the new ones can go straight in. Peace
I meant they were the furthest into their 12/12 cycle... Question: So then do I start counting days into flower after I have seen pistils form?

I have 2 more starting now but I am trying to keep everything separated so no diseases spread, but the bamboo four will be done around the 10th. After which, I plan on disassembling everything and sterilizing it as best as I can and then start some of the good seeds that came in. After they get big then I'll start doing cuttings. So I will have a gap but that is okay... I need to clean everything.

New pictures to come very soon.
These are into day 40 and I do have some PM problems on the smaller onesbut the bigger 2 seem to have a resistance. I'm gunning to take the smaller ones as early as possible. For now they live...



Well-Known Member
What are you doing wrong there? Too much ferts and too hot maybe, im definatly thinking too much ferts. Peace


Well-Known Member
Im not gona lie here, if they were those half dead stretchy plants you got from the start of the thread you have done well to keep them and flower them even to this stage, good practice plants. Peace
I'll be doing a picture update later today around late evening. Just have to wait for the lights to turn on.

I have been doing battle with PM on only one of the plants but I seem to be winning and the buds are getting compact. The taller ones are going to have to go longer...

The younger ones into 12/12 are doing well and all of them are producing buds. Yay!!