PS3 fucked me up

Condition zero was pretty much identical to 1.6 but with a couple of updated textures. Nothing to really justify a changing of game though. Office is one of my more enjoyed maps, very variable game play depending on how the team wants to act, yet not setup so that T's camping down can't be ratted out etc, always good fun, also a great map for shotguns :) or my boom stick as i always used to call it :p been playing source since it's release day.
Condition zero was pretty much identical to 1.6 but with a couple of updated textures. Nothing to really justify a changing of game though. Office is one of my more enjoyed maps, very variable game play depending on how the team wants to act, yet not setup so that T's camping down can't be ratted out etc, always good fun, also a great map for shotguns :) or my boom stick as i always used to call it :p been playing source since it's release day.

I think its hella better than the COD's
btw, the new terms of service agreement has a clause in it that says you cant sue. even in class action lawsuits. they did this because they recently got hacked and people got their info stolen. so now you cant sue if it happens again, which it probably will haha
btw, the new terms of service agreement has a clause in it that says you cant sue. even in class action lawsuits. they did this because they recently got hacked and people got their info stolen. so now you cant sue if it happens again, which it probably will haha

Aye, you can sue as an individual but nowt class action. I think i read about a 30 day opt out available though. does take the biscuit a little bit. That kind of requirement by Sony makes me wonder just how fucked they must be, there must be a fair likelihood of a lass suit succeeding if they're resorting to something like this.
Aye, you can sue as an individual but nowt class action. I think i read about a 30 day opt out available though. does take the biscuit a little bit. That kind of requirement by Sony makes me wonder just how fucked they must be, there must be a fair likelihood of a lass suit succeeding if they're resorting to something like this.

yeah thats what i was thinking too. they probably cant fix the hole without changing a bunch of shit or something. or just cant figure out how to fix it. who is going to sue sony on their own? lol that would cost soooo much money
you can write a letter to sony within 30 days of accepting the agreement to opt out of that clause.

If we all sued the he'll ou of Sony, there'd be no Sony at all. They need some kind of reserve price.

then they should be protecting themselves from lawsuit by not getting hacked. if they dont have good business practices, they shouldnt be a business
yeah thats what i was thinking too. they probably cant fix the hole without changing a bunch of shit or something. or just cant figure out how to fix it. who is going to sue sony on their own? lol that would cost soooo much money
you can write a letter to sony within 30 days of accepting the agreement to opt out of that clause.

then they should be protecting themselves from lawsuit by not getting hacked. if they dont have good business practices, they shouldnt be a business

Aye, that just kinda reminds me of the whole "too big to fail" concept that we place on banks.

But hey, the governments have a vested interest in children's addiction to certain types of games and certain games (anyone read the vague plot line for the new battlefield? :lol:) so maybe they'll bail sony out so that the kiddies can ccontinue to be indoctrinated with war is fun there is no issue with war. Now i'm just going off on a tangent but yeah, it's always amazed me that the most essential and natural thing in life, sex, is utterly and totally taboo and shocking and inapropriate yet the most evil and unnatural of acts, murder, is pushed forward as the norm, perfectly acceptable, regardless of age group. there's got to be some kind of reasoning behind it, i mean we all know how the governments viewed hippies back in the days.
counter strike source baby. cant wait for condition zero, but pc player will own console players if they are merging servers like that, another thing that will suck is that u cant hack a console like how u can on pc-cant wait for the first waller or aimbot

edit: my mistake, cant wait for global offence
I think its hella better than the COD's
there is no FPS better than the
COD's the only competition is in either mw2 or black ops. halo was my shit until i met cod 4. im so much of a hard core gamer i have cod4 wow mw2 and black ops on both xbox and ps3. which is better? xbos for fps's ps3 for fighter and platform JMO
Aye, that just kinda reminds me of the whole "too big to fail" concept that we place on banks.

But hey, the governments have a vested interest in children's addiction to certain types of games and certain games (anyone read the vague plot line for the new battlefield? :lol:) so maybe they'll bail sony out so that the kiddies can ccontinue to be indoctrinated with war is fun there is no issue with war. Now i'm just going off on a tangent but yeah, it's always amazed me that the most essential and natural thing in life, sex, is utterly and totally taboo and shocking and inapropriate yet the most evil and unnatural of acts, murder, is pushed forward as the norm, perfectly acceptable, regardless of age group. there's got to be some kind of reasoning behind it, i mean we all know how the governments viewed hippies back in the days.

probably because being exposed to violence creates a better and more willing soldier. and sex just causes problems for the government like STD's and freedom lol
there is no FPS better than the
COD's the only competition is in either mw2 or black ops. halo was my shit until i met cod 4. im so much of a hard core gamer i have cod4 wow mw2 and black ops on both xbox and ps3. which is better? xbos for fps's ps3 for fighter and platform JMO

And if you're a really hardcore gamer you just sit back laughing merrily at all the console players thinking they're all that :lol: and that ent an opinion that's just fact. Consoles are better for sport or platforms but well FPS on console is like an arcade game. :p

PC power!

p.s. dam, condition zero has been out for a good 7 years ;)

probably because being exposed to violence creates a better and more willing soldier. and sex just causes problems for the government like STD's and freedom lol

Aye, it's easy to understand from a politicians point of view, life is simply about money when a politician in todays world, but it worries me senseless that parents don't bat an eyelid to the concept, here, have grand theft antop for Christmas little timmy, but god forbid you ever see a copy of FHM
And if you're a really hardcore gamer you just sit back laughing merrily at all the console players thinking they're all that :lol: and that ent an opinion that's just fact. Consoles are better for sport or platforms but well FPS on console is like an arcade game. :p

PC power!

p.s. dam, condition zero has been out for a good 7 years ;)

Aye, it's easy to understand from a politicians point of view, life is simply about money when a politician in todays world, but it worries me senseless that parents don't bat an eyelid to the concept, here, have grand theft antop for Christmas little timmy, but god forbid you ever see a copy of FHM

lmao yea my words got missmashed when i was reading all the condition zero posts, ment global offence
counter strike source baby. cant wait for condition zero, but pc player will own console players if they are merging servers like that, another thing that will suck is that u cant hack a console like how u can on pc-cant wait for the first waller or aimbot

edit:by condition zero i mean the new global offence- too much cs lingo floating around
my xbox live hasnt been paid for in about 2years, nor has it really been plugged in, ive been pissed at ever since the HD dvd player become obsolete. love my ps3