Big buds, not filling in..


OK, so I have a purple haze lady standing 7ft in a closet with 400w hps. It has been in bud for 7 weeks and is beautiful. big 8-10 inch colas 2+ inches thick.. BUT!!!! they are not filling in.. they are big bushy, yet thin buds.. if i dried them as they are they would shrivel into nothing.. but the structure for massive buds is there.. is there something im doing wrong? should I just continue to grow? I have not found much information on purple haze phenos and characteristics. any information would be helpful. I know a picture would help, I am working on it. Just picture a biiiig bud with nothing in the middle.. its sad.. and i might cry.. would dry looking like an air bud..

anyone know about purple haze as a plant? any specific tips for my next gen? (in veg)


I have new lighting on the way.. now about this pesky thin bud.. Is there something i can do to get it to fill in?


I tried to keep her short.. at 3ft she was tripped into bud and grew to 7 ft over the last 7 weeks.. The only reason she still fits in the closet is I have tied her down a bit to keep the buds back from the light.


Active Member
the effective range of A 400W BULB is about 21 inches anything outside that will not be getting enough lumens, you describe the buds as being big bushy and thin, but i thought haze buds were supposed to be like that????


the effective range of A 400W BULB is about 21 inches anything outside that will not be getting enough lumens, you describe the buds as being big bushy and thin, but i thought haze buds were supposed to be like that????
is that a real phenotype for purple haze? i dont know much about the strain..
if it really is a thin growing plant then I am lucky for its current state?

the plant is within range for sure.. all tops within 16" of the light..


Well-Known Member
lol...naw, OC, cali

Nevermind...Yeah, haze strains have a tendency to have big fluffy buds, I can't say anything that hasn't already been said to remedy your issue, how are the trichomes progressing? Clouding up nicely??


I havent had a good look at the trichs in a few days, but they were not clouding much yet.. 20% hairs browning..


Well-Known Member
Well, if your trichs are mostly clear, since it's a haze strain too, maye it has an extended flowering time, and the buds will just fill in eventially...You say you've been flowering for 7 weeks? Well, maybe you have a phenotype that is running 9-11 weeks, and it's just building structure to fill in later...Especially if you still have mostly clear trichs and white pistils. If you have a pheno that's gonna flower for 10 weeks, you have 3 weeks left for the buds to fatten up...A lot can happen in a couple weeks.....


kind of thought so.. just needed to hear it from someone else.. i dont mind playing the waiting game if the end result is a nice crop. I will try for pics tomorrow