top 5 breaders


Active Member
in your opinions who are the top three breeders , the most stable strains quailty genetics also any info on the company pics of stuff you grew out whatever just for fun


Ursus marijanus
If I go with the thread title, Col. Sanders and Gorton's of Gloucester HAVE to be in the top 5. :mrgreen:
cheers 'neer


Active Member
smoken some mexican weed and you think it wont get you high because it taste like shit but it snuck up on me


Well-Known Member
I've ordered from 3...Barney'sFarm,Greenhouse,and Dr.Greenthumb....Dr.greenthumb had great strains, but their prices are crazy stupid high, ...I like Barneys the best

...and the bashing should start,... now


Active Member
have any of you grown any next genration romulan ? if so you got a journal that is another strand im looking to grow soon


Well-Known Member
i'm trying to find manes current grow in that long ass thread, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack..