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Ursus marijanus
olylifter, you are an idiot. Cannabineer said the make, model, and caliber in every single post. That is the most popular rimfire rifle on the market, hands down. Cheap and reliable, lots of aftermarket support.

I will try to upload some of the pics, a lot were on my moment, and I've had the Evo for maybe 8 months.
I don't know why, Number, (is it cool to call you that?) but your post has me giggling and I'm still doing it.

I was cutting Oly some slack because I know all about being honestly confused by something that's obvious to all except me. I owe karmic debt for all the times I have been Cpt. Clueless. Being nice is something of a religion with me. cheers 'neer


Well-Known Member
come on cannabineer, you said ".two two" three times in a row.

Sorry for the lazyness, it just happens that the one and two keys on my laptop just ceased to work, despite it being a year old or so.

I am generally forgiving of ignorance but that I was getting the vibe from him of "nah yo, that just aint possible, no way a gun looks like that and is that caliber." I thought everyone had a twenty two for when we have to kill the rabbits and squirrels to feed our families, after the government collapses. Cheapest round, and pretty good accuracy.


Well-Known Member
im not all into the series numbers, im more into is it a .308, .270, 30-30, .204, .17hmr. i like to keep it simple and look into good manufacturers.
thats a terrible logic. I used that logic to purchase a Remington .243 sniper, worst gun ever made. Even the brand name stuff is junk unless you are paying top dollar,

Some good cheap ones are hi-point, ruger, mossberg, savage, and a few others. STAY AWAY FROM JUNK! (some will argue hi-point is junk but for three hundred bucks, its a reliable 9mm or forty five to keep around)

If you just want to skip the bullshit, and buy the ultimate gun for efficiancy, reliability, and accuracy, get a Ruger SR556. 1700 bucks, but well worth every penny.


Ursus marijanus
come on cannabineer, you said ".two two" three times in a row.

Oh? I'm pretty sure I said .22 ... ~grin~

As for that SR556 ... those are not to be had here in R'stan. Assault weapon, wouldn't'cha know.:cuss:

I had some stuff stored at the ex's house (let her keep the house) and found that my two favorite rifles went MIA. One was a Remington 700 converted into a maximum varminter by a talented gunsmith in SD. Switchbarrel; one long heavy tube in .223 Ackley Improved and a short stout barrel in .300 Whisper. The Ackley shot bugholes. The Whisper needed a bit of load development still. But now, all my esoteric handloading stuff and those two lead-lasers ... gone. :(

cheers 'neer


Well-Known Member
OMG my sister's b'day is 10/22! Holy crap, a second cousin too. What's it mean TheNumber1022?

:) j/k but my sister's b'day is 10/22 lol


Well-Known Member
numbers, you are a jackass... like i said,

im not all into the series numbers, im more into is it a .308, .270, 30-30, .204, .17hmr. i like to keep it simple and look into good manufacturers.

olylifter, you are an idiot. Cannabineer said the make, model, and caliber in every single post. That is the most popular rimfire rifle on the market, hands down. Cheap and reliable, lots of aftermarket support.

I will try to upload some of the pics, a lot were on my moment, and I've had the Evo for maybe 8 months.


Well-Known Member
dude, i have killed bucks with a .22 magnum... i do not need schooling in firearms... im no geek to keep up with the stupid series numbers or anything of that nature, all i worry about is if it is a good round, good rifle or pistol and if it will kill what i am hunting...

all you are doing is being a stupid dickhead know it all punk bitch

come on cannabineer, you said ".two two" three times in a row.

Sorry for the lazyness, it just happens that the one and two keys on my laptop just ceased to work, despite it being a year old or so.

I am generally forgiving of ignorance but that I was getting the vibe from him of "nah yo, that just aint possible, no way a gun looks like that and is that caliber." I thought everyone had a twenty two for when we have to kill the rabbits and squirrels to feed our families, after the government collapses. Cheapest round, and pretty good accuracy.


Well-Known Member
is olylifter the village idiot offline too? A buck with a twenty two magnum? you like making animals suffer? at least use a legitimate game round.

I wouldn't feel the need to 'school' you, if you didn't come off as such an arrogant scumbag.

Yes, october twenty second is the date.


Well-Known Member
furthermore, if you haven't heard of the ruger 10/22, you know nothing about guns. sorry, get lost.

"long rifle" should have been clear as day, but not to the mudd master!


Well-Known Member
My name is, because I see. My old username was always iamshakezula. But the number is everywhere. I have hundreds of pictures of shit I see that says the number, straight up.
i hope you don't own a ruger 10/22, maybe your gunna shoot yourself ?

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
is olylifter the village idiot offline too? A buck with a twenty two magnum? you like making animals suffer? at least use a legitimate game round.

I wouldn't feel the need to 'school' you, if you didn't come off as such an arrogant scumbag.

Yes, october twenty second is the date.
LOL So what's your point. You saw 10/22 because it was the guys deathday. :D


Well-Known Member
i forgot when you can only kill an animal with the round you say... there are calibers of long rifles. no, i only like the ruger556 and the ruger superhawk. i am more of a remington model 700 guy.

who is arrogant other then the asshole who thinks someone needs schooling dickwad

furthermore, if you haven't heard of the ruger 10/22, you know nothing about guns. sorry, get lost.

"long rifle" should have been clear as day, but not to the mudd master!