TGA Vortex, Dynagrow. dwc/ebb&flo Medical Grow --420 ppm or less


Well-Known Member
I've decided to keep the big girl as a mother, and will be growing out 2 vortex clones under a 600hps. They are still pretty small, and in veg, but the have roots and should take off pretty fast. I hope I can do the strain justice. I tried growing out some deep purple last year, and I nute burnt the hell out of them.


Well-Known Member
The Durban Poison has been harvested, and I have an opening under the 600 watt. I'm going to let these two vortex girls veg just a little bit longer. I would like them to finish at a 4 foot tall bush so they should be about 12" tall when they make the move to flowering.
I'm growing out the one girl vortex I got out of three seeds, so I hope she's a good one. I don't have the plant count to grow a bunch and pick the best one. She was/ is nice and healthy though, and very symmetrical. I'm guessing she will be awesome as a mother plant.



Well-Known Member
My little vortex clones are looking nice and healthy, should be ready to flower in another week or so.

I'm still running nice and light on the nutes, under 400 ppm seems to be working for now.

My nute selection:

Last Sundays harvest: Durban Poison



Well-Known Member
they feel like pretty dense nugs?
These are looking pretty prime. Bud's are very dense, sticky and stinky. I might just bust the 1gpw mark for the first time ever. These nugs were grown with some co2 for their last week, and floraliciuos plus for the last week combined with a .4 EC bloom mix. Harvested at the perfect time too.


Well-Known Member
. These nugs were grown with some co2 for their last week, and floraliciuos plus
Do you see any benefit to using the floralicious plus? For me it adds more resin, aroma and flavor, just curious as to your observations.


Well-Known Member
HB, I waited pretty late to use the floralicious and used it as part of my reduced nutes at the last 10 days. I can't really say that i see any difference.
My first batch of durban that was straight up bloom mix and proteck, that I posted pics of on your journal was pretty awesome. I have not smoked any of this harvest yet, maybe I'll see a difference in aroma and flavor. I have learned to love having a clear, clean rez. You cant have that while running the floralicious plus.


Well-Known Member
I have learned to love having a clear, clean rez. You cant have that while running the floralicious plus.
That is true. Try it from day 1 of flower and if you don't like it, I'll buy the bottle off of you. It helps to use it on a cloned strain you're very familiar with in order to see if you see any benefit. I've had a bottle of liquid karma sitting around collecting dust for about 18 months and I'm going to test it this next round. It doesn't smell nearly as concentrated and it's salty around the opening of the bottle as apposed to Floralicious Plus which is thick and sticky.


Well-Known Member
hope yu hit the 1GPW bro..

loving dyna gro so far.. i am also feeding gunao's and seaweed every other feeding without the DG. working great so far.


Well-Known Member
Alright folks, the dynagro Vortex grow is in bloom stage! 9/22/11 will be marked as day 0 of bloom.


Well-Known Member
Not much to report here at day 1. Roots have not even made it to the rez yet, but they are dangling from the baskets. I'm flooding 6 times a day. My medium is hydroton, but I threw in a couple of rockwool plugs to hold a little extra juice.


Active Member
awesome work Burr. seeing this and HB's work is making me really consider DG after i'm done with this CNS gallon. really digging this less is more approach.


Well-Known Member
Day 11 of flower. Running the full 420 ppm dose, and seeing good healthy growth. Bud sites are forming.


Well-Known Member
Looking good man! Vortex is one of my favorites, particularly the dynamo pheno that Sub talks about.