help have i fucked my plant up ?????


Active Member
hey you guys. what i have done is stupid i know that but im not sure if its ok?? i put all my plants into flowering but forgot to take one out for cuttings, they had all had 12 hours of darkness then the next day i took one out and put it back into 24 hour lighting to try save it for cuttings.... is this plant fucked because of the 12 hours darkness i gave it??? or isit ok because i put it back?????? thanks ecktoplazm ...peace
hey you guys. what i have done is stupid i know that but im not sure if its ok?? i put all my plants into flowering but forgot to take one out for cuttings, they had all had 12 hours of darkness then the next day i took one out and put it back into 24 hour lighting to try save it for cuttings.... is this plant fucked because of the 12 hours darkness i gave it??? or isit ok because i put it back?????? thanks ecktoplazm ...peace
You are fine I put mine on 12 for a few days to get pre flowers to show then switch back to 20/4 for a few more weeks and they turn out fine.


Active Member
You are fine I put mine on 12 for a few days to get pre flowers to show then switch back to 20/4 for a few more weeks and they turn out fine.

thanks bro was worried for a bit there lol... first tine grower n all.. my girls are looking bad man they are around 5 foot tall and only been in flowering for 3 days now... keeping a superskunk for cuttings. thats another problem i dont know how many i can take lol every stem looks like a cutting haha peace ecktoplazm


Active Member
bad as in BADASS lol they are huge man in massive buckets hopeing to get around 10 ounce per plant ...peace