my ten foot beas


I call her "big moma" and she is 9'8ft Ill take a pic with something comparable next to it to show its size.

What do you mean by how it grows sideways? Do u mean the stock or how the branches are just pointing straight out from the stock? (Rather than point up towards the sun?)


Well-Known Member
I was referring to your picture being sideways.

But if I turn my monitor on it's side I can see it, nice plant!


Grow Info

What... the hell....!!?!?! How are you people getting your plants so damn big????? Mine are nothing compared to that?!

and lol at doublejj's sideways comment.


Well-Known Member
LOL nice plant but you do know you can copy the picture and paste it to paint then turn it around the correct way right?


Well-Known Member
If you are on windows 7 you can just right click and select "rotate". Don't even have to open the file.

Anyway, you can get tall plants through genetics, long veg. time, stretching (shade), or being a superstar gardener


When to you plant that baby?
Man its a funny story.. My good friend had 12 Monsters! all 9'- 12' beasts, except his neighbor(who is some old perma-fry) LIKED the way males looked so he kept his males and never threw them out! Thus seeding my entire buddys crop.. Huge nugs all rock hard with the most ferocious tiger striped seeds.. I remember it takeing almost 5 minutes to pack a bowl removed so many damn seeds lol.

However; Since He was my pal and just harvested potent but seeded weed.. I was gettin my medicine from him for a great price.
I would sit on my side yard, packin bowls with my buddy just throwin the seeds on the ground wherever they landed...

This was in late November/ beginning of December 2010! The rain was just starting and i had already considered attempting my first grow.
Next thing a know.. A few days later in late Nov/ early Dec i spot this little seedling on my side yard! ( I had only seen a few seedlings prior to recognizing that one.)

dug that baby out the ground and threw her in a dixie cup and had her chillin on my window seal for a good while!
Then eventually juiced her up on my roof in a 3 gallon smart pot, and put in the ground with a full bag of fox farm ocean forest and happy frog!

almost 10 months later heres this beast! Im mainly excited to rope this chronic, from what i've been informed. it takes a true 9 months for a marijuana plant to fully mature and reach its potency.

Such a happy story of life eh? haha