Question to Fat People!


Pickle Queen
If i was chubby i would cover myself in butter and roll around in flour, then maybe deep fry myself


Well-Known Member
My brother ended up quite obese for a few reasons and also has damage to the part of the brain that controls hunger due to a cyst. Has lost about 60kg / 130lbs under my guidance. I'm over weight due to comfort eating and have just started eating better / exercising again (after previously losing 130lbs myself, haven't gained that much back though!!).. no matter the reason why there is always a way to become healthy again.

Granted it's harder for some than others, but if psychological reasons are addressed as well it can be done. Thing is - it takes energy and effort and the person has to want it more than they want the cheeseburger.
well, i really would have thought you would have tryed food by now. most of us have and yeah its not bad depending on ware you go. good question though, why. why are fat people fat? iv eatin the food here and i havnt become addicted, i mean shit, im a stoner i know what munchies are and yet i havnt eatin myself out of size 32 pants yet. so idk, the question will probably go un answered for years.


New Member
well, i really would have thought you would have tryed food by now. most of us have and yeah its not bad depending on ware you go. good question though, why. why are fat people fat? iv eatin the food here and i havnt become addicted, i mean shit, im a stoner i know what munchies are and yet i havnt eatin myself out of size 32 pants yet. so idk, the question will probably go un answered for years.
Recent findings suggest the use of cannabis keeps people on the healthier side... I mean I looked it up, and I think according to the numbers I may be obese...If thats the case I think it is a disease, and I need me a guv'ment check! hahaha