Advanced Flushing Techniques

Well, I have doubts about the claim that flushing draws out metals and toxins... How? Heavy metals are immobile. Flushing can remove elements from the root zone, but I don't believe the plant actually expels anything during the process. Otherwise, outdoor plants would suffer from deficiencies after a heavy rain.

The wiki on EDTA mentions that it is a "Persistent Organic Pollutant" - That may be an important consideration those who are more environmentally inclined.

Final Phase may contain citric acid, but isn't "mostly", citric acid. If it was, the MSDS would have to reflect that. It's likely a very small concentration. Fact is, it's mostly water.

I'm really starting to think this is pretty well just sugar-water and Epsom salt with lemon juice. Not that there is anything wrong with that, per se. It's just that at +$50 a jug, it's a little pricey. I could make that for next to nothing. Hell, I could mix it up with some lime.

but indoor plants do suffer from difs after flushing.
u know there is no evidence that flushing does anything? some people claim it gives cleaner taste, but i would like to see a blindfolded taste test because Ive never noticed a difference, and to be honest, some people raise their ppms really high before chopping because they say THAT gives better taste.

have you ever smoked weed that burns into black ash instead of light grey/white ash?have you ever smoked weed that doesnt burn properly and has a bad after taste?that weed wasnt flushed.
you can tell the difference between flushed and unflushed weed that was grown using synthetics.
have you ever smoked weed that burns into black ash instead of light grey/white ash?have you ever smoked weed that doesnt burn properly and has a bad after taste?that weed wasnt flushed.
you can tell the difference between flushed and unflushed weed that was grown using synthetics.

I agree 100%
I sure hope your not a mmj grower and giving it out to the people! i would hate to buy some meds and it b full of all those chemicals.... flushing does help from what i no and have learned from many many growers. and patients would not like that very much if they were spending there time and money on crap dat taste bad and pops in ur face while smoking it....or worst trying to light a j and it keeps going out... quoted from Jorge Cervantes him self " Avoid taste of organic or chemical fertilizers in harvested buds by flushing with plain water or clearing solution to remove any residuals and chemicals that have built up in soil or plant foliage. Ten to fourteen days before harvesting flush the garden with distilled water or treated with reverse osmosis. using a solution sush as FINAL FLUSH if you have to use plain tap water that contains dissolved solids."
1. leaf tips and fringes are burned.
2.leaves are brittle at harvest.
3.buds crackle when burning.
4. buds smell like chemicals
5.buds taste like fertilizer
Get back on the short bus
have you ever smoked weed that burns into black ash instead of light grey/white ash?have you ever smoked weed that doesnt burn properly and has a bad after taste?that weed wasnt flushed.
you can tell the difference between flushed and unflushed weed that was grown using synthetics.

improper dry/cure....nothing to do with nutes or flushing...learn how plants work before spouting off

improper dry/cure....nothing to do with nutes or flushing...learn how plants work before spouting off


watsup with everyone hating on others people ways....damn this world will never get better with these kind of attuides. i smiply was helping the thread with fact that i have followed. MY way of growing/flushing watever it might be.
watsup with everyone hating on others people ways....damn this world will never get better with these kind of attuides. i smiply was helping the thread with fact that i have followed. MY way of growing/flushing watever it might be.
because perpetuating falsehoods is a grave disservice to EVERYONE

many expert growers flush.if it was a waste of time a nonsense,im sure they wouldnt.even most makers of different nutrients tell you to flush before harvest.
this is like politricks we will never see eye to eye... i say we just keep it the way it is those who flush FLUSH....and those who dont DONT. if it is working for yuh i am glad to hear and hope ur harvest is to its best!
many expert growers flush.if it was a waste of time a nonsense,im sure they wouldnt.

What does being popular have to do with the facts? 80% of what's popular thought or practices in CANNABIS forums is just plain crap, stupidity. There isn't an "expert" grower here that can scientifically explain how flushing has any merit. An ion is an ion that doesn't go anywhere. Flushing is a feel-good thing, a placebo effect, started by the Dutch to atone for the practice of over fertilizing their plants and perpetuated by every new crop of noobs, "because someone told me......"

If someone says it and it's repeated on the internet then by golly it must be true!

.even most makers of different nutrients tell you to flush before harvest.

Wouldn't be because they're selling some flushing snake oil like Clearex by chance?

If you need some meathead manufacturer pimping his over priced "cannabis specific" products telling you what you should do, then you shouldn't be growing....anything. You believe everything these shysters claim?

Amazing that folks will believe ads in lieu of the horticultural truisms. Only in the world of pot lol. :)

let it be. this is for helpingand all this arguing its helping anyone. so yuh r down for not flushing while others are. and everyone going back and fourth about this( including me) are like the busniess men all try to promote there ways of doings. it is something i am not on this site for so too all of yuh i am sry bout this BS on mi part... do what works best for yuh and those who r wondering what to about flushing try both of ways and see what best fits your needs. just remeber keep it clean keep it green and keep it light.
much love
dude get a life did yuh not read any of my other post! i dont understand why yuh have to make ur point to me...yuh like to not flush i believe we all get again stay to ur self and yuh growing ways and i will stick with mine ty and have a grate day! and and try one or two of these :joint: today
You just dont get it...flushing DOESNT DO ANYTHING. YOU are being an idiot by doing it and telling others to do it. You are giving your plants DEFICIENCIES when its putting on up to 20% of its final weight.

Ironical isn't it, hah, reference my previous post about how clueless they are when it comes to horticulture. Right when the plant needs ABUNDANT green, healthy leaves the most in order to put the final bulk into buds, these lemmings are following some lame unsubstantiated drill which induces premature leaf drop. Hah!

Another lame cannabis paradigm is depriving them of N by using high K foods "guaranteed to give you more flowers with more oil!" Let 'em be, they are gonna have to learn the hard way.....that's just what every new crop of noobs do.

(Would be cool if some would learn to spell and write a decent sentence.)
yes i have learned and had stuff that didnt burn correctly and tasted like .....(so many names for it...umm swag works) the clubs that i take my medz to wont touch and would laugh at me if i tried to bring in somthing full of chems.... this is not medisonal... they want clean herb and horticulture is science of plants and i believe science has many many differnt theories for lots of things. somethings just cant be proven just what yuh no and what i no. i no someone isnt going to change my ways with somethingg that has been working grate for me. so i no how it must feel to have somone dumping on ur ways but brotha if your always judging yuh have no time to love.
much love
You still dont get it...even without a flush theres no chemicals in the buds...ever. Nutrient ions are stored in fan leaves anyways, not in buds.

Bad tasting or burning weed is from bad drying practices. My buds burn evenly, purely and smoothly and I dont flush...because I SLOW dry and cure my buds which allows the starches in the buds to be broken down to simple sugars.

This is a FACT, not a theory. Flushing is a myth that just wont die. Do you flush your tomatos? Do they taste like chemicals?

Use your brain, just try harder.

Thats what causes bad weed, not chemicals. Theres NO CHEMICALS IN THE BUDS.
and yuh still dont get it that i have my own way to do things so plz spot trying to change my mind it wont work.. it has workd for mi and have never had complaints bout nasty tasting bud and it is always still medisonal and market able so why spot doing something that is working just grate for me... look to get on the same page here lets do a test me and yuh?? i will not flush and yuh do just one plant is enuff... and we can make a damn thread about it and everything so yuh can prove me wrong cuz it seems like ur trying so hard to prove everyone wrong even though they have told it sumthing works for them just fine...i will be completly fair and let yuh no how i like not flush and how the smoke is...
id like to see sci-fi facts,that show flushing dose not work..........................................