I have a weed problem - do you?


Well-Known Member
I have OCD and marijuana helps me immensely. I like to medicate throughout the day. It helps me, and it doesn't really affect my performance in a negative way at all. In fact, it helps because I'd rather be "high" than have my ocd acting up.


Well-Known Member
I find I easier to control my compulsions and panic attacks too. I used to completely mentally shut down over the most trivial things and my attention span was... Negligible if the topic didn't interest me. I love being high in class :3


Well-Known Member
I have OCD and marijuana helps me immensely. I like to medicate throughout the day. It helps me, and it doesn't really affect my performance in a negative way at all. In fact, it helps because I'd rather be "high" than have my ocd acting up.
as long as my thc levels are stable i rarely have panic attacks. weed is my cure for ptsd.


Well-Known Member
Wake up-> Spliff-> Chores-> Spliff -> Work-> Spliff -> Exercise-> Spliff -> Eat-> Spliff ->Spliff again ->Couple more spliffs ->Bed and repeat.

I smoke all day every day, but it's integrated into my little reward system. I keep myself veeerrry busy yet I still let people caption me 'the pothead.' It's all cool because my boss knows, but the reason all my teacher and employers let me get away with being high 24/7 is because I never let it get in the way of producing good work.
This is the KEY...as long as you stay productive theres nothing wrong with smoking yourself retarded. ok not retarded but you get the idea. i light up probably 3-4 times a day on avg...granted its not ALL DAY LONG but its good enough for me...i need moments of sobriety during the day...clear my head, etc.

And op theres nothing wrong with quitting and just growing/"dispensing". Idk y ppl jump on your back...i view it as a legit form of work...those plants don't grow themselves right? you gotta supply the lights, nutes, soil/hydro system...also gotta harvest, trim, cure and find your buyer etc.

its no cakewalk like some say, "oh ur a lazy bum just smoking dope all day"...being its a growing forum i'd expect ppl to be more receptive...geez

The only time I have a weed problem is when I start to run out :eyesmoke:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Personally i'd go a bit peculiar if i did not have a job. I am very happy to work my 8-3 ob and have all the weed i fancy growing in my cupboard. Ever met an honest or fair drug dealer? I havn't, they've all been unreliable useless greedy cunts, i'd rather not become one of those or know any of em :)


okay im new to the site and im pretty sure this is the wrong place to post this but, i have a problem with one of my plants. its only got the two round leaves, no spikey ones and its about 2 weeks old and 6 inches tall. idk whats wrong with it the other plant in the same pot is the same age but only 3 inches tall but looks normal. plz help


New Member
okay im new to the site and im pretty sure this is the wrong place to post this but, i have a problem with one of my plants. its only got the two round leaves, no spikey ones and its about 2 weeks old and 6 inches tall. idk whats wrong with it the other plant in the same pot is the same age but only 3 inches tall but looks normal. plz help
You are correct sir.


Well-Known Member
okay im new to the site and im pretty sure this is the wrong place to post this but, i have a problem with one of my plants. its only got the two round leaves, no spikey ones and its about 2 weeks old and 6 inches tall. idk whats wrong with it the other plant in the same pot is the same age but only 3 inches tall but looks normal. plz help
welcome, and try here for more replies https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/


Well-Known Member
This is the KEY...as long as you stay productive theres nothing wrong with smoking yourself retarded. ok not retarded but you get the idea. i light up probably 3-4 times a day on avg...granted its not ALL DAY LONG but its good enough for me...i need moments of sobriety during the day...clear my head, etc.

And op theres nothing wrong with quitting and just growing/"dispensing". Idk y ppl jump on your back...i view it as a legit form of work...those plants don't grow themselves right? you gotta supply the lights, nutes, soil/hydro system...also gotta harvest, trim, cure and find your buyer etc.

its no cakewalk like some say, "oh ur a lazy bum just smoking dope all day"...being its a growing forum i'd expect ppl to be more receptive...geez

Yup yup. As well as school and my graphics job, i'm a volunteer, do 4 high impact sports and play 5 instruments. It's always good to keep yourself active and endeavouring to unlock your potential.

In my spare time I take my tent to the local park/school field and hotbox it X3


Active Member
Yup yup. As well as school and my graphics job, i'm a volunteer, do 4 high impact sports and play 5 instruments. It's always good to keep yourself active and endeavouring to unlock your potential.

In my spare time I take my tent to the local park/school field and hotbox it X3
may i join you in your tent :D

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
What's a high impact sport? I can't easily picture someone of your build playing womans rugby. Or is that like rock climbing? That can be pretty high impact...


Well-Known Member
I do women's netball, soccer, ballet, yoga, horseriding, figure skating and do a 8-14 mile trek a few times a month.

I used to do badminton and baseball aswell but meh...

Of my build? Have you SEEN my thighs? I am all muscle.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
And teeny tiny :D They say a small man with skills is no match for a big man with skills :p i can see soccer (football?) as being high impact, but it's then followed by ballet and yoga. Yeah, i follow that


Well-Known Member
Yoga isn't high impact as it's so slow-paced, though advanced positions require crazy amounts of strength, particularly core strength, as well as flexibility.

Holy shit, you try and do an advanced ballet class and you WILL be crying for a locker room break after 45 minutes or so. I really thought with my flexibility (yoga), endurance (trekking) and strength (50 hour weeks working on a farm) that ballet would be a breeze. Not so.

Please do not toy with me regarding sarcasm. It's too much for this little autistic wolf...

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Haha, i'm just jessin with ya. ballet is just like cheerleaders on tiptoes. Bunch of nutters. You watch the national groups performing you see some crazy stuff. I'm a manly man wood chopping man man, but there's only so much i can do while balanced on me toes.


Well-Known Member
So am i the only one who always looks forward to having a spliff whilst not being bothered to work instead grow and supply to fund my chilled out lifestyle, or are many other people the same, i'm just curious. its nice to know you are not alone :bigjoint:
:confused: were not the ones with the problems, i think the problem is theres not enough weed lol :confused: