Question to Fat People!

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I wonder if people realize that most obese individuals have a physiological reason they are large. It's not because they eat too much or don't exercise enough. It has to do with insulin and the body's ability to process it.
Your ignorance is astounding.


Active Member
While there are fat people from all walks of life I feel that fattness is becoming an epidemic amongst people in lower income brackets. The cheaper options for food and snacks are full of fake sweeteners and overly processed garbage that your body is not meant to process. If you're poor and buying the cheapest food and snacks at walmart you're filling up on all of that crap that your body will have a hard time burning off. Not to mention, I feel that a lot of diseases are linked to these chemically laden foods. Anything ingredient in your food that you can't pronounce, is probably killing you.

As we move up the socioeconomic ladder people are a little more aware of their health and can afford better products. Not to mention if you're well off you probably have time to jog, ride a bike or play a sport. Unfortunately for the less affluent folks, they are more likely to spend their "free time" working a 2nd or 3rd job so they don't loose their home. As a result they don't have the time to worry about their health and what they are eating. They're going to pop a micowave dinner in for there kids and get to their next job.

So as you can see, it is my opinion that America's growing disproportionate distribution of wealth is partly to blame, well that, and fat fatties who just want to eat


Active Member
And to chime in on all the above comments... Obesity can certainly be a legit sickness for people with slow thyroids and what not. However, a vast majority of it is just due to laziness.

cary schellie

Active Member
makes me fired up when I see a fat lazy mofos collecting off the government. I wish we would have a revolution and let all the fat and lazy die off cause they cant fight or live off the land

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
The biggest culprit is HFCS - High Fructose Corn Syrup. Almost every processed food industry uses it because it's cheap and it preserves longer but the human body cannot process it quickly enough. This upsets the balance of your insulin levels and your body begins to store fat when the insulin is high. This also causes fatigue and cravings for more food. It's a nasty cycle that creates more and more fat and more fatigue, hence the sedentary life style.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Once again.... the ignorance is astounding.

Try reading this book. It may be a little too technical for some of you but at least try....