I have a weed problem - do you?


Active Member
So am i the only one who always looks forward to having a spliff whilst not being bothered to work instead grow and supply to fund my chilled out lifestyle, or are many other people the same, i'm just curious. its nice to know you are not alone :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Wake up-> Spliff-> Chores-> Spliff -> Work-> Spliff -> Exercise-> Spliff -> Eat-> Spliff ->Spliff again ->Couple more spliffs ->Bed and repeat.

I smoke all day every day, but it's integrated into my little reward system. I keep myself veeerrry busy yet I still let people caption me 'the pothead.' It's all cool because my boss knows, but the reason all my teacher and employers let me get away with being high 24/7 is because I never let it get in the way of producing good work.


Active Member
So you're giving up your job to become a drug dealer...... Good luck with that.
One deal to one person every 3 months! its not exactly standing on street corners selling 1 bag of skunk at a time to local youths lol
As for a job well thanks to the British governments cutbacks i and many others no longer have a job due to local industry jobs being cut in last few years, the unemployment office is full of dealers lol


Well-Known Member
That tends to happen to people who "can't be bothered to work." I have no sympathy for people like that, but I guess he world needs dealers too. Good luck. honestly.


Active Member
One deal to one person every 3 months! its not exactly standing on street corners selling 1 bag of skunk at a time to local youths lol
As for a job well thanks to the British governments cutbacks i and many others no longer have a job due to local industry jobs being cut in last few years, the unemployment office is full of dealers lol
I say go for it!! I don't work... I make enough money sitting at home that I don't have too.... As for one deal every 3 months, well I just suggest you start getting more plants into the rotation so y can harvest more often. Maybe once a month, or even better every 2 weeks. There's ways to do it... Check out SOG harvest every two weeks on google. That's the wy to go. But you're not alone!!!


Well-Known Member
weed problem yes the dispensarys are only open til 10pm
atleast you got dispensaries bro my only problem with weed is bein low and people who take WAY too damn long to pass somethin...thats really the only time im super high and wanna smack the shit out someone.


Well-Known Member
Wake up-> Spliff-> Chores-> Spliff -> Work-> Spliff -> Exercise-> Spliff -> Eat-> Spliff ->Spliff again ->Couple more spliffs ->Bed and repeat.

I smoke all day every day, but it's integrated into my little reward system. I keep myself veeerrry busy yet I still let people caption me 'the pothead.' It's all cool because my boss knows, but the reason all my teacher and employers let me get away with being high 24/7 is because I never let it get in the way of producing good work.
too many spliffs, not enough bongs!!!!


Well-Known Member
I enjoy the drawn out process of getting through a fat spliff of blunt rather than a couple of quick bong rips. I hit pipes occasionally to justify having 5 at the moment. I like rolling one and smoking it...