Club 600


Well-Known Member
As a quick response to Duchies, organic based sounds like they start off with organic ingrediants and then probably add synthesised ones as well. They certainly seem to do a nute for every individual plant/situation in the world. Quite low % doses as well I saw.

Morning everyone!!! or evening I guess for most of you.



Well-Known Member
As a quick response to Duchies, organic based sounds like they start off with organic ingrediants and then probably add synthesised ones as well. They certainly seem to do a nute for every individual plant/situation in the world. Quite low % doses as well I saw.

Morning everyone!!! or evening I guess for most of you.

Good morning D. I'm catching you as I'm heading out. I know it seems that way, but they make no mention of it and they still claim that it goes a natural way. I think I will email them and ask. I had a look at the FAQ section and it cleared a couple of other things up for me but not that. One of the things the FAQ taught me, and probably the basics for some but new to me, and that is this.

3. Why are the NPK numbers lower in organic fertilizers as compared to synthetic fertilizers?
In nature, there is never a high concentration of nutrients. In chemical fertilizers, higher concentrations are achieved by using synthetic means. If you "organic-minded", then you would understand that nature works at its own pace and does not believe in forced growth by inappropriate and indiscriminate feeding of plants and crops . Organic fertilizers are made from such ingredients occurring in nature and hence have lower concentrations as compared to synthetic fertilizers.

4. Why does it take longer for organic fertilizer to work than synthetic chemical fertilizers? What is the difference?
Chemical fertilizers feed the plant, not the soil. They provide a highly concentrated amount of nitrogen to the plant resulting in instant green up (2 to 3 days), but the effectiveness does not last. Organic fertilizers feed the soil, break down slowly and feed the plant only the amount of nutrients that the plant needs. When you purchase a 1 litre bottle of chemical fertilizer with a NPK value of 10-16-10 you are getting 36% synthetic chemical nutrients and 64% of inert ingredients that contribute nothing. When you purchase a bag of Orgunique™ Lawn Food 10-2-5 NPK you get 17% all natural usable nutrients and 83% organic matter which enriches and restores the microbial activity in the soil. Chemical fertilizers on the other hand work as deterrents for healthy microbial activity.

With that said, and with a closer look, I think I know where I'm going with this line but still open to suggestions and recommendations, always. But now DST, you mention about low % doses as I find this new info. Can you elaborate on why you mentioned that. Is this a good thing?


Well-Known Member
All the organic stuff I use is fairly low except for of course pk13/14. Max being 5-2-4 I think for veg. I normally use bio nova but had to buy Biobizz this time around. Like it says, the synthesised stuff has like 20-10-20 or whatever. I am still at a loss oabout Organic based then. Let us know when you find out lad?


Well-Known Member
Oh my word, what the hell was the video about......again, oh my word....
Im shtoned, i thought you were talking about my vid at first lol

That is what tv has become in the states, pay it no mind.

Sorry duchie but Iv yet to mess with coco so Iv got no input really.


Well-Known Member
Absolutely not whodat, lol. Your video is but full of dank!!! Got to go and water and feed the hungry ones. BRB.


Well-Known Member
Not a problem whodat, I've got a good idea what I'm looking for now. You know how you kinda answer your own question just by asking it out loud? Well that and a little more digging helps. Lots to be said about back to basics lessons. It can only get better now! And thanks D, I get ya now. I will let you know what I find out.

Whodat, your vid rocks as usual man. D. Seems like nobody knows what to think about that. Guys like that are what's going to spur on Mandatory Psych Testing in this world.


Well-Known Member
Seems like nobody knows what to think about that. Guys like that are what's going to spur on Mandatory Psych Testing in this world.
haha, i thought he kinda had a point at first lol then he lost it for shock "value".
Now one thing I REALLY want to try is american ninja warrior! I feel like Id tear that beginners course a new one in record time... (saw it on a buddies tv ;-) )

Some entertainment :-)

curious old fart

Well-Known Member

I gave up on trying my own soil mix and went back to fox farm (40%), jungle grow (40%), perlite mixture (20%) with fox farm nutes. I didn't have the right formula and the mix was causing issues.
You might try Dyna-Gro nutes.
As DST stated, start low with the nutes and slowly build. Too much caused lock-out and burn.



Active Member
soooooo..... would at least get a reply ! lol

no-one has ever cut a NFT tray down then??? come on guys.....thought one of you must have thought about it ...

I need to take 15 mm off each end....anyone ever tried??

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Duchie, 4-3-8 for flowering? As best as I understand flowering nutes and their ratios, I've read the ideal combination is 1-3-2 or 10-30-20 or any such combination. Your flowering nutes have more nitrogen than phosphorous?

I have been using botanicare's pro blend soil line. Supposedly the nutes are all organic and they also contain the trace elements we desire. I have no complaints with the products.

wally nutter

Well-Known Member
i just dropped my favorite special bowl ive had for more than 3 years :'(, im soooo saaaad :cries:

godamn theres a shiton of resin


Well-Known Member
Edit: Notice the clawing on the sour d, thought id mention since it was discussed recently. Iv had some slightly radical (oxi moron?) ph drift in her system in the past week. lol total oximoron.
Shes also getting hit with a cool stream of air from the ac (the 1k in front of the ac isnt on... maintenance.) and I think that may also be a contributor to the clawing.
I've got a couple plants in my tent that are getting a lot of air on them, and doing the same thing. I'd never had it happen before... but nothing else has changed other than that, so I'm guessin' that's it. . . lookin' good Whodat, as always :)


Well-Known Member
soooooo..... would at least get a reply ! lol

no-one has ever cut a NFT tray down then??? come on guys.....thought one of you must have thought about it ...

I need to take 15 mm off each end....anyone ever tried??
Don't know if everyone is like me... but I don't really know what your referring to. If you want to post a pic and say what your aim is, I'll tell you what I would do with the thing. Not sure what a NFT tray is.


Well-Known Member
NFT= Not For Trimming


Need Fecal Treatment.

Wait... waaaaaaiiiit...

No Fukin' Tits? hmmm.... lets see what it is.


Well-Known Member
Lol bobo. I knew what NFT meant... just don't exactly know what NFT trays are. I'm guessing they are like rain gutters you put on the side of your house. I kinda have a half NFT system, but I use pipes. You know how my closet has the two levels. The bottom level has dams in it, so the water level stays at around 2-2.5 inches... the top level has no dams and the water is just running along the bottom (nft). Last grow I took the dams out the top halfway through because between the dams and the massive roots, the tubes were clogged and water started running out the plant holes. It didn't do that on the bottom, so I left the dams. So this grow I started the clones in how the water levels were. The top only had less than a half inch of moving water and the bottom ones more of a bath.

I was thinking that I really needed to remove the dams on the bottom as even though the water was 'moving' in the lower level you couldn't tell by looking at it. And there aren't visable bubbles... it's not moving that fast. In my head the plants on the top had the water they needed flowing by and all the oxygen they could want with the open-ness of the tubes inside (not full of water). And I also thought that the bottom level would discourage root growth as the rockwool the plants were in was basically saturated the whole time.

I was wrong. The plants in the bottom developed much bigger root masses, even in the 'bath'. Convinced me that the more RDWC aspect of the bottom level beats NFT for me at least. So for next round I'm gonna put dams back in the top level. I'm not vegging as long as the grow where the tubes became blocked, so I'm thinking that won't be a problem.

I know there was no question... but thanks for asking, lol.

RDWC ftw!!!

Oh, and it's looking like I'm gonna pull about 8 oz out the closet this round. For only running 6 nice plants and going strait to 12/12 I'm rather happy. This next grow I'm gonna veg a week I think. I'm hoping that week of veg will do a LOT for the yeild. I got 18 from the Sour Kush, I think 20 oz is not out of the question this time. Should be getting new clones on Friday. Only a week of downtime... I've NEVER done that. Usually a couple months between. It's nice not changing setups, haha. Don't know what my problem was before changing all the time.



Well-Known Member
8 ozs??!?!? DAMN son, nice yield off those girls... see, we do ok with our small plants :lol:

sorry for my NFT joke, btw. Not that funny lol. Stupid Bobo :lol: