HEMPY buckets.. Absolutely disgusted, disappointed.... 4 MONTHS shot to hell....

I don't know if it was the veg time/salt buildup or what, but my stuff looks like shit at the start of week 5.

I posted pics here a week or so ago here: https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/462587-please-love-god-help-us.html

And since then have flushed the hell out of em with clearex...


Restarted with 3/4 nute strength afterward (which in hempy is already low around 500ppm) and they are just not fckn recovering! I've grown in RW and soil with a few problems here and there but were at least FIXABLE every time over the years.
Also grew in Hempy once but with only a 4 week veg. These things in hempy now are just not recovering.

And check this out:

Cause of (my) health reasons, I had to wait 3 months under T-5s until going 12/12.
They were totally lush beautiful GREEN PERFECT in every way!!! All 24" + high and thriving huge in 3 gal buckets.

Went into flower perfect temp/room control.
80-81 during day with supplemental Co2. Night 74. EVERY DAY!
Hum constant 30-40%.
Nutes AN line never over 600ppm. Kept at 5.7 to 5.8 ph.
All looked PERFECT until week 3-4.

I'm really angry right now and sad about this. The only thing I can think of is that because they were vegged for so long that there was a major salt buildup going on in the buckets and once I hit week 4 or so in 12/12 they just freaked/locked out went nuts. Cause after 3 months veg at week 4 flower I was at 4 months total. Even after the flush I gave them over a week ago and then a half strength nute feed they are still going down hill big time.

Any other ideas are welcome as to why I'm screwed and this FAILED... please. :-(

There might still be hope of recovery but not without some expert hempy bucktet'ers advice.


Well-Known Member
First off, your scrog screen is WAY too big. Those holes should be more like 1.5-2" not 4. Second, it looks like you're growing in a tent. More importantly it looks like you're grow room is lined with that cheap white reflective material, not mylar which has been known to release TOXINS, that cause your plants to die or grow shitty.


Also, hook those lights up to a inline fan, no sense in buying air cooled hoods if you're just going to leave them like that. Why waste money, should have bought a batwing reflector.


bud bootlegger
i don't think that hempy will hold again kind of salts in it the way say soil or a soiless mix can as it's only vermiculate for a substrate, so i don't think anything is built up and needs flushing out..
do you have a thread already with pix in it?? if so, can we get a link, if not, can we get pix here to look at??


Well-Known Member
i don't think that hempy will hold again kind of salts in it the way say soil or a soiless mix can as it's only vermiculate for a substrate, so i don't think anything is built up and needs flushing out..
do you have a thread already with pix in it?? if so, can we get a link, if not, can we get pix here to look at??
he posted a link.


Well-Known Member
You might could try some Superthrive and light foliarr feeding until you can get the situation under control. The ST will help with the stress they're obviously going thru, and the foliarr feeding will at least get some nutrients to you're girls .


Well-Known Member
Personally, i would cut like 2 or 3 holes in the bottom of the bucket... Looks like improper drainage to me, the bottom of the bucket is probably holding water.

Also, Hang a thermometer from the ceiling, dangle it about an inch from the top of your cola's. Make sure this is where you are taking your temp from.

My friend had a very similar problem, placed his thermometer in the "light spread" on the wall, thought his room was ~80F untill he moved his thermometer to right above his colas (directly under the light) and the temp was ~91F

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I have been growing hempy for a couple years and ran across a similar situation with some white widow. I flushed out the buckets by running 2x the volume with ph'ed water and then gave them some cal-mag. Within a week they were coming back. Also, check to make sure that your drainage hole is clear on the side of the buckets. Growing hempy style in a scrog has its own problems as far as recovering the output from the buckets. Good luck.
First off, your scrog screen is WAY too big. Those holes should be more like 1.5-2" not 4. Second, it looks like you're growing in a tent. More importantly it looks like you're grow room is lined with that cheap white reflective material, not mylar which has been known to release TOXINS, that cause your plants to die or grow shitty.


Also, hook those lights up to a inline fan, no sense in buying air cooled hoods if you're just going to leave them like that. Why waste money, should have bought a batwing reflector.

It's an 11x11' room not a tent. I have standard Black/White Poly hung. Is standard BW Poly the stuff thats can cause toxicity in the plants???? Owned the hoods since I owned a home and had them properly ducted. Now I rent and can't cut holes everywhere to duct them and ruin the house even in the slightest so I just use the hoods I've got.

Thanks for your advice on screen size.
Personally, i would cut like 2 or 3 holes in the bottom of the bucket... Looks like improper drainage to me, the bottom of the bucket is probably holding water.

Also, Hang a thermometer from the ceiling, dangle it about an inch from the top of your cola's. Make sure this is where you are taking your temp from.

My friend had a very similar problem, placed his thermometer in the "light spread" on the wall, thought his room was ~80F untill he moved his thermometer to right above his colas (directly under the light) and the temp was ~91F
Thermometers all good. I can't cut holes in the very bottom to drain because they're hempy buckets.
I have been growing hempy for a couple years and ran across a similar situation with some white widow. I flushed out the buckets by running 2x the volume with ph'ed water and then gave them some cal-mag. Within a week they were coming back. Also, check to make sure that your drainage hole is clear on the side of the buckets. Growing hempy style in a scrog has its own problems as far as recovering the output from the buckets. Good luck.
Will check drainage holes on side thanks. Question though. You're like the 4th person to mention the cal-mag solution. I don't get it. I use R/O so I use cal-mag with every single feeding. Are u saying after the flush give them just cal-mag for one feeding then go back to normal nute routine? Not quite following.


Well-Known Member
First off, your scrog screen is WAY too big. Those holes should be more like 1.5-2" not 4. Second, it looks like you're growing in a tent. More importantly it looks like you're grow room is lined with that cheap white reflective material, not mylar which has been known to release TOXINS, that cause your plants to die or grow shitty.


Also, hook those lights up to a inline fan, no sense in buying air cooled hoods if you're just going to leave them like that. Why waste money, should have bought a batwing reflector.
What are you talking about??? Panda Film is black/white and it works really well sold in grow stores and tons of growers use it.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Will check drainage holes on side thanks. Question though. You're like the 4th person to mention the cal-mag solution. I don't get it. I use R/O so I use cal-mag with every single feeding. Are u saying after the flush give them just cal-mag for one feeding then go back to normal nute routine? Not quite following.
That is what worked for me. Just water & cal/mag that has been ph adjusted. Give them some time to recover before pushing nutrients again.