Didn't expect the feedback lol. Just to clear something up here, I am by no means saying I saw a Bigfoot, like I said... I saw something that resembled what we know Bigfoot as. As for what it was.. I honestly have no idea.
I am one who mostly believes only in scientifically proven facts. If one of you guys told me that exact story, I would have read it, judged the read, and instantly would have came to the silent conclusion: you did not see a Yetti... possibly even think your full of shit or possibly just a good story teller. Just being honest.
There is really nothing to this story except for it is just that, a story of something weird I seen, like the title of this thread implied. I am not classifying what I saw as anything however I did see something that was unrecognizable to any species around this area. As email pointed out, I really don't want to believe myself but I know I wasn't hallucinating. That 'story' hasn't changed in less than 10 years, I was honestly shocked. I will never forget that shit.
I welcome anyone to debunk what I saw even though it's really kind of hard (impossible) to debunk the unknown. If you can come up with any animal.. or creature alike native to North America, anywhere from Chicago, IL to Detroit MI, somewhere around the most southern great lake... that even slightly resembles what I described.. let me know!
Just to cross bears off, there has been no recorded sightings of any bears in my area. I haven't even 'heard' of anyone seeing a bear around me.
It was weird. Don't know what it was. Being as I primarily rely on facts and scientific evidence, I HAVE to assume it was another person playing a Hoax. Honestly though, just doesn't seem like it would happen to me in my little town in the middle of nowhere.
Its kind of like the Bible... Any one 'answer' is completely hypothetical. Don't believe, it was any specific creature or animal.. but you can believe I did describe in as much detail.. what the hell I saw. Draw your own conclusions.. if it makes sense- share it cause I would love to figure out what the hell that was so I can put this story to rest.