Need Indoor-Growing Help.


Active Member
Ok here it goes, Im a very first time grower, havent even started yet but am so looking forward to it and reason being is that im just simply tired of going through missions to get good bud, im sure many of you prob dont have that problem but I do. The first thing I would like to get out of the way is that im going to start out growing just some regular decent stress, I figured that i would be wise to see if i can even get them to grow healthy before i Order some really good seeds, I this is a stupid idea please let me know. Ok I have the closet in my home picked out its an upstairs one and its about 6feet long and 6feet wide ive painted the walls with white paint (no certain kind) and I have cut out the carpet couse in my research some ppl said that is couses mold and im planing on covering it in foil. What I need help with is understanding the Nutrients and Soil.
Is it a must have to have 3 diff types of Nutrients through the grow process? what I mean is, from what I have read I get that the plant needs more of certain NPK through growing. Like for the Vegetative state it needs more Nitrogen, Through Flowering it needs more Phosphorus and steady amount of Potassium through all of its life, RIGHT? so will i need 3diff types of Nutrients for this to be done right or do ppl get by with just one type.

I figured if im going to do this I want to do it right and not half ass, so thats why I joined this place in hopes that you guys could guide me through my first time of this. and yes I do have a Cam and when I get going I will post pictures for you all so that you could get a better look of things and therefore make give better advice. Please forgive me if I have typed to much this is my first time being on any forum.

Last thing and prob what im worried about most is that my garden supplies are very limited, the best place I have found so-far is a HomeDepo lol im sure you guys prob get this question alot but will a HomeDepo have what i need to do this if not i will cry. There is one garden store here but they dont sell Shi* for Lights only Soil, Pots, Nutrients and Ect. so they may help in that part. Any of your advice will be much appreciated and more then lickly it will be thx.


Well-Known Member
No harm in learning with a shwag grow. 2 ferts, the higher N for vege and the flowering, though each with provide varying levels of NPK (think Bloom Buster for the flowering).

You can grow pot easily with things at a HD or W*Mart. It's the fine tuning for the incredible Buds that lead you to specialized Nutes, lights, etc.

Make sure the heat is tolerable in the closet, make sure fresh air gets in (no stale air), watch your pH (low 6s for soil), don't get time release soil, take it easy on the watering and nutes at the beginning. Think 1/4 strength once it gets to be 4 - 6 inches tall, then ramp up slowly. Newbies always overfert and overwater - speaking from experience. Tap water and soil has enough dissolved nutes that will easily get you to the 5 leaf stage (and beyond).

Go ahead and use good size containers at first, at least a gallon - peat pots/3 inch pots aren't very forgiving on missed watering schedules.

And don't tell your friends about your project.

Read FAQs hear - its a great adventure.


Active Member
lol, thx for the NO TELLING FRIEND advice.

Im not so sure yet where I will be able to cut a whole in the wall so i can make good air flow, but thats what i want to do im just not sure how to go about it wihtout fu*king up my wall's lol. Maybe when I post some pics of the closet someone could help with that part. I will have the fans in there so will i be able to get by with just maybe opening the closet and windows in the room for a few hours a day? Its also the same room that leads to the front balcony so i could open that door and it would be even more air.

About the ferts, In the field we got some cows and 2 horses im wondering witch ones[SIZE=-1] manour i should use or if any. The horse or the cows? The horses get Special vitamins with there food the cows do not. So im not sure witch one is better im thinking that with the Grass and Hay mix with certain vitamins the horse would be more Nutrient but i could be way wrong and it could make for bad Acidic problem, what do you think?


Well-Known Member
Consider mounting an air register and duct in the ceiling. If you have access to attic, mount a duct just like other ceiling ducts in your house. Buy a register to mount in closet when not growing - you can close register so hot/cold air or pests from attic don't enter closet and home when not being used. If anybody looks when grow isn't underway, doesn't look suspicious.

When growing, feed exhaust hose up duct (register removed) some duct tape will give you a good (enough) seal. In a small grow, virtually no chance for thermal detection. You can get more complicated venting out in attic later if you choose.

Ultimately, you'll need activated charcoal to help scrub the smell, esp. during flower. THIS DOES NOT APPLY IF YOU"RE IN AN APARTMENT OR CONDO!!! You say 'your home', so I'm assuming conventional house.

If either of those apply, investigate hooking on to dryer or bathroom exhaust under similar scenario. Be more aggressive about installing activated charcoal early if this applies.

Manure is tough inside. Good luck on that one.


Well-Known Member
I figured that i would be wise to see if i can even get them to grow healthy before i Order some really good seeds, I this is a stupid idea please let me know.
On the seed tip,there is never any real need to order EXPENSIVE seeds with cool sounding names,if the weed you got the seeds from was good weed you can expect your weed to be ATLEAST as good if not better,it all depends on how its grown,if you have a good grow your bagseed's will equal most anything that can be bought from expensive seed retailers,commercial growers are not just throwing shit seeds in the ground,they too want the best possible product they can get only their time frame is limited.

Keep it simple,the most important things to attend to are lighting,soil & room conditions like humidity levels, proper ventilation & circulation.

Invest your money in areas that will show real & dramatic results,such as lighting,ventilation,soil & nutrients.

There is also no reason why you cant get EVERYTHING you need from home depot,Peters makes excellent fertilizers for a fraction of the cost of hydro shop nutrients,home depot also sells High Pressure Sodium lighting allthough its more expensive on a watt vs dollar ratio over just going with a legit grow light to start with,home depot also sells inline & inwall fans that work well for ventilation.

If you want your grow to get off on the right foot you should expect to spend around $300 for materials & supplies,it can be done cheaper but will effect overall yeild.

Supplies you'll need.

1, 400 watt High Pressure Sodium light system,bought online. = $150.

Soil & amendments such as sand,perlite & top soil,home depot. = $40.

1, 6 inch inline fan for air intake,from home depot . = $30.

1, 6 inch inline fan for exhaust,from home depot. = $30.

1, 20 inch oscalating fan for circulation ,from home depot . =$20.

1, Heavy Duty timer, home depot. = $10.

Peters 20/20/20 fertilizer,home depot. = $5.

1, thermometer/hygrometer combo,from home depot . = $5.

1, PH test kit,Wallmart . = $5.

1, PH lower, wallmart. = $5.

1, PH raise, wallmart. = $5.

Total = $305 for a well thought out & productive grow room.


Active Member
There is also no reason why you cant get EVERYTHING you need from home depot,Peters makes excellent fertilizers for a fraction of the cost of hydro shop nutrients,home depot also sells High Pressure Sodium lighting allthough its more expensive on a watt vs dollar ratio over just going with a legit grow light to start with,home depot also sells inline & inwall fans that work well for ventilation.

Wow!! awesome thx man for that info. So the 1,400 watt High Pressure Sodium light system is a must have, i take it and I can only get it online. That will be all the light i need?

and ill be dam atavistic I cant believe I didnt think of putting it in my attic, only one thing though, aint no-one seen the inside of that attic in 14 years there so much dust up there. I mean if you think its still a good idea with all the dust and insulation then I guess worth a try. But dam its scary up there . lol :eyesmoke::fire:


Well-Known Member
Where did you see him say put it in the attic? He was talkin about your exhaust for the room. And are you renting or is it your house. Because i would never grow in a rented house or appartment. Too risky.


Well-Known Member
There is also no reason why you cant get EVERYTHING you need from home depot,Peters makes excellent fertilizers for a fraction of the cost of hydro shop nutrients,home depot also sells High Pressure Sodium lighting allthough its more expensive on a watt vs dollar ratio over just going with a legit grow light to start with,home depot also sells inline & inwall fans that work well for ventilation.

Wow!! awesome thx man for that info. So the 1,400 watt High Pressure Sodium light system is a must have, i take it and I can only get it online. That will be all the light i need?
Here is the light system i speak of,good people to buy from & the systems are as good as much more expensive light systems.

400 watt HPS GROW LIGHT SYSTEM w 400w SUN LAMP +BALLAST - eBay (item 150218505780 end time Mar-15-08 17:00:00 PDT)

As for it being all the light you need that will depend on what size area you want to light & how many plants you intend on putting in that area,this light will properly light a 3x3 area but you can easily push it to a 4x4 area.

Home depot does sell these type lights only in smaller wattages,this is where i say its better to order the correct system online to start with,you'd need 3 home depot systems to equal the light from this one, by the time you add up the cost for the 3 lights plus wiring & plugs its more expensive.

As for the attic i wouldnt grow there,normally attics have way too many issues to overcome like drastic temperture swings & humidity issues,basments,spare bedrooms & other areas are much better with the basement normally being the best place.


Well-Known Member
Very nice, thank you. Dose this mean it will cost more afterwards (
End time:Mar-15-08 17:00:00 PDT (2 days 6 hours)
The prices always stay the same,he runs an ebay based business & a real store,he sells hundreds if not thousands of those units,they will still be there when your ready to buy.