The UK Growers Thread!

There are people stupid enough to pay over a ton in euros for a gram of ice.....get yer head around that. 30 euros for a gram in a lot of places of decent ice. If you want to make good wedge on yer harvest you can get around 6 bags of sand per k for decent dank. (edit, in the Dam)

Thats just craziness, are they dumbasses that dont know the price of stuff or twats with too much money?
Yeah, those are the prices round here in Las Vegas. $60 for 3.5g ('eighth'), $110 for 7g ('quarter') or $200 for a half a zone (14g).
One of you bastards already made fun me for my lack of knowledge of the British sterling or whatever the fuck, so is 60 quid the same as 60 euro?

60 British pounds = 97.08600 U.S. dollars
60 British pounds = 68.5393576 Euros
Huh. I didnt even know the US had a rugby team, let alone they're good enough to make it to the IRB World Cup.