Master of Mayhem
Thank you for posting this. It is a PERFECT example of my main argument when it comes to things like this. You saw SOMETHING...hands down. Now for all of the Naysayers on here who want to be rational and pick things apart, lets start with this story.Ok, Believe me or not... I don't care.. Hell I don't want to believe myself but I seen it. I was about 16 at the time and I remember it like it was yesterday. I do not know wtf it was.
I lived out in the country and only had a few older neighbors and a good friend about a mile away. I was completely surrounded by Woods and Fields otherwise. I took our boxer for a walk about mid-day down my back country road towards my friends house a mile away. About half way there, there is a field with a Pond about 200 yards off the road. There is a small tree line and another field continuing on, edging a very large thick woods. As I was walking, staring ahead, I notice my dog is walking with his ears up and more attentive towards the field to my left. When I looked over to my left, I didn't know what to think. About 150 yards out on the edge of the front field, almost near the pond is a very large, light brown and white.... creature.. walking away from me, upright on two legs. It looked to be about 8ft tall and every step seemed to be looong semi-speedy strides. Its Brown and White fur looked to be longer, I could see it waving with every step. The next part is what started to get my heart racing. This 'Yetti' looking creature stopped when my dog barked after growling non-stop at what he saw. The creature turned his upper body towards me, almost as if he was 'looking' at me (or the dog)... but I NEVER seen its head. It was almost like it was flat on the shoulders, very broad- like a extremely large Football player.... without a head. It starred at me long enough for me to start freaking out and trying to think of what the fuck I was going to do if it came towards me. Right when I was just getting ready to say fuck it and take off back home in a crazy sprint, the Creature turned back away and continued walking, a little faster towards the back field and eventually into the woods. AS SOON as it went into the woods I ran as fast I could back home and Called my friend. Told him to meet me down half way with a knife or weapon or something.... Mind you at the time my adrenaline is still rushing so I sound like I am crazy. My friend was like wtf but agreed and we met up in the same spot about 20 minutes after I seen the 'creature'. We looked everywhere for prints or any kind of signs but of course, nothing. My friend said I sounded like I just seen a ghost on the phone. Never heard me sound like that. I was seriously shocked like.. wtf did I just see...
I still don't want to believe I saw a 'Yetti'... Frankly I don't really believe in a Yetti but DAMN did it look very similar to what we know Yettie's as... The other speculation I had was possibly a horse. BUT it was NOT a fucking horse. It had 2 legs, not 4. There was NO horse tracks and there would have been tracks left by a horse that big... There was no head and I would have noticed a Horse's head.. I honestly don't think it was another person playing a Hoax. I live in a small town and like I said... back in the country with very few and old neighbors who I couldn't imagine moving the way this THING was moving. The woods is a VERY large woods and there is other weird shit back there (like old tiny shacks [like 4' x 4'] someone would stay in and a weird ass grave site I came across...) but this single site I will never forget. I typed a fucking book describing it, hopefully not too long of a read, its like a snapshot in my mind and figured I would share for all the people who just lit up to read this thread.![]()
This guy saw something out there, and unless he's either lying or hallucinating, there has to be an explanation for what it was. Now I don't know about you, but I have never seen a headless Yeti before,nor is it recognized anywhere as being a known species, but there it was plain as day looking at this guy. Anybody wanna explain it "rationally"?