Holy Smoke: Strawberry Diesel - 400w Waterfarm


Well-Known Member
It's moving along quite nicely. Don't think any more weaving is going to be happening past today, not stretching at all really. Still hoping I can fill it in though. Not sure if SD is the best for scrog.


Well-Known Member
I have a hard time believing this plant will be finished in 5 weeks. :lol: From how it looks today it seems as if it's more like 1-2 weeks of 12/12 not 3. but who knows, guess that's what happens when you grow a strain with no real documentation.


Active Member
It's just absolutely crazy how much growth has happened since the flip.... Seems like it was the right time to flip huh?


Well-Known Member
It's just absolutely crazy how much growth has happened since the flip.... Seems like it was the right time to flip huh?
Yea it was a good time, I don't think it was ideal, maybe a week longer would have been perfect. Used up the 2 gallons of nutes I made for add back.


Well-Known Member
Here are a few of the bud sites

Today is day 20 of 12/12, a little behind the norm I'd say but I don't mind waiting a little while longer.



Well-Known Member
that is lookin mighty fine my friend! You are dialed in it seems! That plant looks really good, nice bud sites ALL OVER! Today is DAY 5 for mine in Flower......I will post updates a little later this evening. How is the smell ?



Well-Known Member
that is lookin mighty fine my friend! You are dialed in it seems! That plant looks really good, nice bud sites ALL OVER! Today is DAY 5 for mine in Flower......I will post updates a little later this evening. How is the smell ?

It's getting pretty dank, more of a fruity smell right now though, not so much diesel.

james gordon

Active Member
hey buddy i got 4plants going depends on the pheno you get. my stretch for 2 plants is unreal...plant heights befor switching for the tallest now were (32and28cm) after flipping 4weeks on(90cm and 92cm)

other 2 plants befor switch were (20cm and 28cm) now ( 62cm and 59cm) very diff outcomes. also from when you switch the lights is not considered propper flowering. the first 2weeks into 12/12 are still considered to be "veg" since the foccus is on stretch not bud formation. after initial stretch has finished then its classed as flowering.


Well-Known Member
Big 3 weeks of 12/12 is tomorrow. I had to flush out and change the res yesterday it was getting very low and didn't want to wait until the morning. Guess I'll update with some pictures then. PPMs were 1350 when I added fresh nutes, now they are up to 1450 and pH i assume is fine. I don't really check it that much since Nova Bloom has such good buffers, It's probably around 5.8


Well-Known Member
That exact same thing happened to me with the ppms at that level. It's pretty much 'steady as she goes' from that point - I wouldn't up those ppms any more for your grow unless the plant really tells (shows) you she wants more. Looking forward to the pics!! :weed:


Well-Known Member
That exact same thing happened to me with the ppms at that level. It's pretty much 'steady as she goes' from that point - I wouldn't up those ppms any more for your grow unless the plant really tells (shows) you she wants more. Looking forward to the pics!! :weed:
I was a bit skeptical about going up to 1400ppm, I think I'll stay there for a few weeks if not longer...


Well-Known Member
I plan on staying @ 1400 for a while too. 1350 is the max on the label, so unless she asks for it, I'm staying here.
Yea, You can of course go higher than what's on the label. I once made up some 2500x solution just for kicks and giggles and to see what color it would be,...dark. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Doing about 1/2 gallon every 24 hours right now. It's the big(not really) 3 weeks of 12/12! yay, only ~5+ left..

PPM this morning was 1450, pH still haven't checked that. Not too worried about it really.



Well-Known Member
She is filling out pretty well.....it should start to kick into overdrive very soon and really start to put on weight around end week of 3 - to 4 - then flourish thereafter.....looking really nice!