White spot on leafs.


Active Member
Well yea i don't have picture at the moment I'm gonna have to borrow my cousins camera if I'm gonna take a picture and post and that wont be till tomorrow. But i need a diagnosis asap tho. I just found out it is female. Yes it is a bag seed. 1 out of 8 seeds are female so I'm gonna try to take care of this little baby. Well basically she has a bunch of little white dots on all the leafs. Doesn't look like bugs because i check all over the plant no bugs.

Pictures uploaded below.
The pics are so out of focus,that I can`t make anything out.I don`t think its botrytis as that would show as large gray/white patches.The plant looks stressed at any rate.Not sure why it is displaying flowers at such a small size,unless you started it flowering.


Active Member
It does look like spider mites but because it's also nitrogen deficient and I see a few burns i will say it is just nute deficient. Weird because they aren't very big.