New Nutes!!!


Well-Known Member
above all nutes without price bein a issue what are the best you can get??? and where do ya get em???


Well-Known Member
everyone thinks their nutes are the best, you wont really get strait answers i dont think


Well-Known Member
there is not a best, its all personal opinion, it all works and all burns plants if given too much, every strain is different.... therefor what nutes are best for one strain can be worst for another strain... just get whatever and call it a day


Active Member
there is not a best, its all personal opinion, it all works and all burns plants if given too much, every strain is different.... therefor what nutes are best for one strain can be worst for another strain... just get whatever and call it a day
Cool I needed to know that thx for the Advice.


Well-Known Member
there is not a best, its all personal opinion, it all works and all burns plants if given too much, every strain is different.... therefor what nutes are best for one strain can be worst for another strain... just get whatever and call it a day
yea that is true but like if you were to recommend an all around goood nutes what would ya say??