Exactly...So?? That still aint gonna make Canada any better off.
We still get the best of your Doctors here cause they can't servive in Canada.
Try it againA) that says 404
American'ts and Americunts... I should've stated it earlier, but it's obvious you're just sour about America, for no good reason... because the reason above is no reason at all and proves nothing about your point of America being the worst country in the worldB) I said our economy is supposed to be slower than American'ts because we supply raw materials to the Americunts to be processed. Duh, America makes more money thats just how it works. I guess you haven't played any games like The Guild before
And he didn't say OUR best doctor's are Canadian... they're not, I'd say the Indian doctors we have here in America are the best and the majority get their education in America.The worthless deserter Canadians leave Canada. The important ones stay. Its pretty sad when your top doctors are Canadian and not American, tells you a lot about your (expensive) education system.
Why do you think I vote for Ron Paul... I believe in American isolationism except for trade agreements, if I were president we would not come to the aid of any country until our debt situation was solved.Yea but OUR best doctors DON'T go to America just SOME who are worthless in my opinion. America pushes its agenda on ALL countries. It starts wars and helps sides of wars that it should just keep it's nose out of. Why did 9/11 happen? Because America supported the Taliban with guns and money. Its YOUR fault the twin towers are gone.
same here........ same grade tooi was in 7th grade and we didnt do ANYTHING that day but watch it on the news....
Is he still mad about WW2?Osama has been trying for YEARS to take down the twin towers. He finally hit them in the right spots. End of story. I don't care if your medical, you live in Americunt the WORST country in the world. Also its not an end prohibition avatar, its a vote for NDP avatar.
I was working on a snappy reply of my own, but then I saw this and laughed out loud. No WAY I can top that answer. cheers 'neerYeahhhhh... no.
I was working on a construction job on a dairy in California. I got up, got dressed, made my coffee, and out the door I went. I was lucky enough to live 5 minutes away from the job at the time so I arrived at about 5:45 a.m. It was raining so I was waiting in my car when the lady who lived there asked me if I knew how to hook up an antenna to her tv...
So as we are walking back to her house she asked If I was listening to what was going on? I said "No, what's going on?" She said "An airplane crashed into the Empire State Building!" We went to her kitchen and I hooked up the set of rabbit ears and tuned into the first station to come in...
From there I remember my boss coming into the house saying that we would not be working due to the weather so I went home. In that 5 minute drive home, the radio station I was listening to was in confusion. All I knew when walking back through my door was something bad has happened...
I turned the tv on just before the second plane hit...
I live on the west coast. I was no where near any of that and I knew no-one lost or involved.
I will tell you that I wanted to serve our country but do to medical issues, I could not. That day, to me, was like someone busting down my door while me and my family are sitting on the couch.
I came to the realization today that I am not ready to re-live that day. I know every year we go through it but this year it's magnified...
Be Kind To One Another.....
You're a fuckin idiot...yea just like many other countries. Theres a reason why they call it American't
And you are the BIGGEST cunt in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!They wouldn't have gone to war with afghanistan and killed osama for no reason at all. Stop smoking weed, you're a paranoid schizo
What was the guys name that was the best QB the CFL had ever seen, then came to the NFL and was like 4th string?? lol