more brutal teabaggers

What fucking world are you living in? I guess you don't remember Janet Reno threatening the banks if they didn't do exactly that. Carried on by Eric Holder at this very moment, forcing banks to relax their lending practices and actually collecting settlements and having over 60 banks under investigation for not wanting to lend money to deadbeats.

Sure, the banks ran with it once they knew Fannie and Freddie had their backs, and that is completely their fault. But make no mistake, the boulder was set in motion by Clinton and his good squad. Barney Frank and Dodd are also responsible and should be sitting in a jail cell for their complicity as the evidence was pratically "teabagging" them in the face in 2004. Jesus, you have the memory of a housefly.

they choose not to remember. it doesnt fit their talking points.

in the op i said something about letting the excuse making begin, or something like that.

can i call em or can i call em? not a single mention of hostage taking being wrong, destruction of private property wrong, just a bunch of lame excuses for what they did.

can you imagine if this WAS a tea bag group? ole big gay sis of homeland security would be jumping up and down. now she better switch from saying tea party types are the worry and start pointing the finger where it rightly belongs, in the mugs of the thugs from unions.
can you imagine if this WAS a tea bag group? ole big gay sis of homeland security would be jumping up and down.
there has always been a double standard within modern liberalism and, to a certain extent, i don't really mind it. those who claim they are capable of maintaining a society without centralized control should hold themselves to a higher standard than those who depend on the state. every excuse made by statist dupes for the advocates of their cause more fully explains their own need for big brother and separates them from responsible citizens. each instance where our own advocates show that same lack of self-control defeats the entire purpose of the cause. when left wing demonstrations turn into riotous affairs that trash their environment, we should feel justified in our own stance and responsibility. when conservative gatherings turn into the same sort of rabble, we should feel ashamed and strive all the harder to instill some respect in our peers.

it is the purpose of any society to move forward toward some sort of enlightenment, not to merely survive another day. the individualism within conservatism moves us forward toward that goal and stands in stark contrast to the forced collectivism of those on the other side of the aisle.
was your first girlfriend a mule also?

i'm thinking that might explain a lot of your anger.

LOL. Actually my first sexual experience was very scary. I was very young, in my bed all alone, and it was dark.

A lot of dumb moonbats such as yourself mistake anger for being direct and to the point. Moonbats such as yourself are more comfortable with mush brained talkers who speak in platitudes without saying anything. People who speak to the heart of a matter and direct often make moonbats like you uncomfortable and is quite often mistaken for anger.
LOL. Actually my first sexual experience was very scary. I was very young, in my bed all alone, and it was dark.

i'm sorry you were raped by your uncle.

A lot of dumb moonbats such as yourself mistake anger for being direct and to the point. Moonbats such as yourself are more comfortable with mush brained talkers who speak in platitudes without saying anything. It's people are speak to the heart of a matter and direct that makes moonbats like you uncomfortable and is quite often mistaken for anger.

i thought i was a pissant, not a moonbat.
there has always been a double standard within modern liberalism and, to a certain extent, i don't really mind it. those who claim they are capable of maintaining a society without centralized control should hold themselves to a higher standard than those who depend on the state. every excuse made by statist dupes for the advocates of their cause more fully explains their own need for big brother and separates them from responsible citizens. each instance where our own advocates show that same lack of self-control defeats the entire purpose of the cause. when left wing demonstrations turn into riotous affairs that trash their environment, we should feel justified in our own stance and responsibility. when conservative gatherings turn into the same sort of rabble, we should feel ashamed and strive all the harder to instill some respect in our peers.

it is the purpose of any society to move forward toward some sort of enlightenment, not to merely survive another day. the individualism within conservatism moves us forward toward that goal and stands in stark contrast to the forced collectivism of those on the other side of the aisle.

Have you read "Liberty and Tyranny" by Mark Levin?
making excuses for union thuggery seems to be a full time job. while i'm by no means "in the know" concerning this affair, this isn't a matter of hiring out-of-towners. they contracted with a company that uses the operating engineer's union instead of the longshoremen and the poor idiots are getting pissy about it. of course there is an advantage in it for the port, but i'm sure they aren't making any killing. that the longshoremen have priced themselves out of the job is entirely the fault of the union bosses who demanded a bit too much in hard times. they thought they had a lock on the port and now find they aren't the only game in town.

Not an excuse. I am expecting more thuggery from more than just unions in the coming years if we do not get our shit together as a country. You can only rape people for so long before shit goes down.

Anybody remember " Let them eat cake" ? That's what we have the going on now.

And I think you are missing the part about the locals (including longshoreman) had their tax money pay for this companies setup, not the out of town engineers union.
Perhaps you can tell us their pay scale and how much they pay for their benefits and what those benefits entail so we can make a judgement to see if their behavior is justified.

Let me guess, you wish to post they make too much and pay too little for their benefits. I have no idea what either is but I can say this. It doesn't matter, they prolly make to little and if their benefits are not free or close to it they pay too much. CEO's, board members and upper management are not special people , average Joe should not pay more out of pocket then those leeches.
Its amazing the ability of far left leaders to motivate "the troops", and people's whos minds have been infected with liberalism. Telling these people to hate the Tea Party is not going to put food on thier table. It only inspires hate, not hope :-|
it might keep them from having food taken from their table.

What power does the tea party have to take food from anybody's table? Who has give the Tea Party the authority to do anything to anybody? They should be mad at thier rich union bosses who get outrageous salaries, and huge bonuses.Very powerful people who have lobbyists in Washington from the top and collective bargaining rights from the bottom. All the while, sticking it to the little man
Public-sector unions have become the nation’s most aggressive advocates for higher taxes and spending. They sponsor tax-raising ballot initiatives and pay for advertising and lobbying campaigns to pressure politicians into voting for them. And they mount multimillion dollar campaigns to defeat efforts by governors and taxpayer groups to roll back taxes. Now, this isn’t saying that all union members deserve your contempt, but pretty much all union officials do. They are in it for their own money and power. Way down the line are their concerns about their union members, and if they are teachers unions, students don’t even show up on the radar.
Given the White House and DNC involvement in the Madison protests, it seems clear that this has become a national strategy on the part of Democrats — to run out on legislatures where they hold the minority, and to hijack government in an attempt to make the majority the servant of the minority. The party should change its name to the Anti-Democrats … or, since they seem enamored of running away as a political tactic, we can take a page from their book and call them Fleebaggers instead.
cool copy and pastes, bro.

a real testament to your ability for original thought.


Oh My God. Now that's funny coming from you. I think you should post some more of your pictures. They're very enlightening. Your game is very lame and weak. Lots of bigotry and insults, but when it comes to actual ideas, you bring up the "rear".......if you know what I mean.
Willyßagseed;6248377 said:
CEO's, board members and upper management are not special people , average Joe should not pay more out of pocket than those leeches.
no, management isn't filled with "special people", but they are the ones who make it possible for those "average joes" to earn a living. for any enterprise to get off the ground there must be a sizable investment of capital. to keep it running there must be someone to organize and manage its affairs. those managers and investors are taking on a significantly larger share of the risk and the responsibility. don't you think they deserve a larger share of the reward? well, i know you don't, but any rational person would. the average worker is fodder, an expense in production that is only worth as much as he puts into the goods or services involved. that may not be a very pretty way of looking at it, but that's the way it is. without labor, more fodder is simply trained and put in place. without management the enterprise folds, labor ceases to exist and the entire business must be started from scratch.

this notion that all our efforts are of equal import is a load of crap. we are spoon-fed this pablum by the populist horde, but we know it's not true and we don't want it to be. we want to know that our ingenuity and our extra efforts may be rewarded. the very idea that a dock worker should be given the same esteem and perks as the people that oversee him and make his work possible runs contrary to maintaining a healthy and productive workforce. we need to know that the rigors and expense of our schooling, our years gaining expertise and even our natural talents may gain us some amount of security that is denied those who merely show up for work, limp along and collect their salary at the end of the week. we need to know that with added responsibility comes something better.
CEOs don't risk shit and get paid whether they destroy the company or the economy
are you in the habit of picking only selected words of a post to string together? no, don't bother responding to that. i already know that the answer to that question lies in the liberal meme of half-truths and skewed perceptions. it is a ceo's responsibilities that give him value and afford him the prestige and perks denied the wage slave. his only risk is the same risk we all face when we perform any duty, the risk of losing our reputation and our job. i'm pretty sure you could come up with a raft of names of ceos who have failed their duties and still been handsomely rewarded, so don't bother. after all, those instances of abuse are splashed across headlines, have documentaries aired about them and are given more than their share of publicity. the names you will never dare to utter and probably don't even know are the millions of men and women who perform that same job honestly and to the best of their ability.

if you would quit dwelling on every story that paints the business community in its worst light and start learning about reality, you might come to some rather different and, for you, startling conclusions. it's called objectivity. you might give it a try sometime.
if you would quit dwelling on every story that paints the business community in its worst light and start learning about reality, you might come to some rather different and, for you, startling conclusions. it's called objectivity. you might give it a try sometime.
That would presuppose the man is capable of critical thought. Methinks you may be asking too much of the man UTI.