What fucking world are you living in? I guess you don't remember Janet Reno threatening the banks if they didn't do exactly that. Carried on by Eric Holder at this very moment, forcing banks to relax their lending practices and actually collecting settlements and having over 60 banks under investigation for not wanting to lend money to deadbeats.
Sure, the banks ran with it once they knew Fannie and Freddie had their backs, and that is completely their fault. But make no mistake, the boulder was set in motion by Clinton and his good squad. Barney Frank and Dodd are also responsible and should be sitting in a jail cell for their complicity as the evidence was pratically "teabagging" them in the face in 2004. Jesus, you have the memory of a housefly.
they choose not to remember. it doesnt fit their talking points.
in the op i said something about letting the excuse making begin, or something like that.
can i call em or can i call em? not a single mention of hostage taking being wrong, destruction of private property wrong, just a bunch of lame excuses for what they did.
can you imagine if this WAS a tea bag group? ole big gay sis of homeland security would be jumping up and down. now she better switch from saying tea party types are the worry and start pointing the finger where it rightly belongs, in the mugs of the thugs from unions.