First closet grow - seeking advice

I was hoping someone with some experience growing could take a look at my seedlings and let me know if they look ok. I am watering them once a day (with not much water, it seems to evaporate from the rockwool cube fairly quickly? I read in another thread they should weigh approx 20grams.. I'm going to go buy some digital scales tomorrow) with a 0.500EC and 6.0 PH solution. The .500 comes from "Ozi Magic Gro Juice". (Some of the leaves look a little bit discolored. Does that indicate a problem?)


I am not sure when I should move the seedlings. I have some pots (next pic below) which I am planning to put lavarocks I purchased and just slightly bury the rockwool cubes. (Should I put the 1.5" cubes into some 3" cubes and let them grow before moving them to pots?)


Also, these are pictures of my temp (the OUT sensor is taped to the inside of the exhaust ducting) in order (current / max / min)

These are just some other pics I took to show how I have started to setup :-)

Thank you in advance for any advice :grin:

edit: two more pictures


first thing i see is that the seedlings are stretching. if u can you should lower the lights sum if they stretch too much they can fall over due to a weak stem
I've tried to keep the lights approx 10cm from the tallest plant. How close should I put it? The globes are 2x18w cfl

edit: the lights are attached by chain I can easily move them - just not sure how close! :-)


at least 3-6 cm dependig on how much heat it puts out. if it does heat up too much for that look into cfls used for regular inside lighting like the ones im using on my grow


also wen u transplant em to watever media ur using u might have to plant lower so the stem isnt sticking up so much
I've lowered the lights a few cm. New pic posted.

Also the leaf discoloration pic wasn't focussed properly so I have taken another pic hopefully its clearer. The leaf is turning yellow a tiny bit :(

The seedling on the left in the pic is a THC Bomb (Feminised) and the other two are Himalayan Kush (ordered from



dont worry too much on the leaf yellowing unless it gets worse. the plant im growin now has the bottom two kinda burnt lookin but the rest is healthy so im just watchin it to c where it goes. i suggest u do the same just kjeep an eye on it and just water regularly
I'm not sure what I'm doing with the watering.. I'm worried that I will overwater it so I have just been pouring some water over the cubes for just a moment then misting throughout the day. I am only puttin gwater on when I lift
the cubes and they feel very light (also I am not watering just before the lights go off 18/6)
Also, humidity keeps dropping to 50% - I have tried leaving a bowl of water under the light but that doesn't seem to have made any difference.

I guess that I need to find a new intake duct.. the convenient hole in the wall is connected to the roof which is insulated and warm :-/
50% RH is fine. Worry if it gets above 60 or lower than 20. As for your seedlings stretching, you have WAY too little light, 2 x 18w CFL isnt enough. Also, you're not using CFL ... from the pic it looks like regular fluor tubes... rather go get 4 X 40w CFL's, watch your babies thrive.
50% RH is fine. Worry if it gets above 60 or lower than 20. As for your seedlings stretching, you have WAY too little light, 2 x 18w CFL isnt enough. Also, you're not using CFL ... from the pic it looks like regular fluor tubes... rather go get 4 X 40w CFL's, watch your babies thrive.
I didn't even realise that there was a difference between CFL and regular fluro tubes! :confused:

I am heading to the hydro shop tomorrow, I will see what lights they have! :-)

Hello again! I have just purchased a 400w MH kit and am about to replace my fluro tubes (I will keep those for cloning later on!)

I was just wondering how far above my seedlings should I put the MH to begin with to make sure I don't burn them moving from fluro to MH!


edit: added a pic of the new light! :)


Keeping an eye on the temp closely for now. I have a new fan for exhaust I am going to install this afternoon! Comments/Suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Hello, I am back with another update.

After struggling with heat issues all day I think I might nearly have a workable solution. Temp is hovering around 27.5 at the moment. I think I am going to have to raise the shelf (the top shelf is going to be my flower chamber) because I can't see my plants getting too tall now.. I wasn't planning on using a MH so my plants will be alot closer than I think they can.

One of my seedlings has some yellow spots.. I hope I didn't hurt it under the lights today :(

The wooden box at the bottom has a 12cm fan suspended by elastic.. still noisy..

This is a 12v fan running at the end of the exhaust (I think it makes a difference.. cant tell) I tried venting this stuff out a hole in the wall I made but I cant tell if its helping or not.. Now I just have it venting into my room.

Hooray.. mostly sealed up and 27deg! (It was previously rapidly climbing to 30+ degrees)

250mm ball bearing exhaust fan in a box I built. It connects to some 125mm ducting which is blowing directly onto my seedlings. I am trying to figure out the best way to get cold air. At the moment it looks like I will be cutting a hole in the floor :-(

As always comments or suggestions are appreciated.


Active Member
Bloody hell, do you have to pay for advice on these forums or something..
Lose the light setup you had. It stretched your plants from the gate. Do you really want to do that again. I grow in soil not hydro, but if you want to salvage thos you'll have to bury the stem. They are way too stretched. Your new light you'll have to watch the way the plants react to it. Hardening them to a new light you might find signs of heat stress. The leaves will start to fold upward and the material between the leaf veins will become very pronounced.


Active Member
Bloody hell, do you have to pay for advice on these forums or something..
I use 125 watt CFL for my seedlings and they're doing great. Mine are entering their second week. You can probably go a month with a 125 CFL a foot above your plants. Break out the big guns slowly once your plants are more established.