ahh man.. favorite childhood memories eh?
This is a good thread. I like this one.. we need more like this.
I would have to say I have many different favorite memories from my childhood. Some I can't remember because of a traumatic head/brain injury when I was 9 or 10 years old.. but even after that traumatic accident, I still have clear memories of some of my childhood.
One of my favorite memories, that I can still remember to this day.. was when I would go with my mother to grandma's house. Her name was Kathryn, but we all called her 'Nanny'. Man, she was just the best grandma any kid could ask for. She would do anything for me or my sister. I remember one particular Christmas.. when it snowed so heavily that we literally couldn't tell where the road was.. I think we got like 15" of snow that year or so.. and that's a LOT of snow for the area I lived in. We hardly ever got any snow.. and the snow we
would get, either wouldn't stick to the ground.. and if it did, it usually would melt away by that same afternoon that it came down.
But yeah, the year that we got like a foot and a half of snow.. it was the day before Christmas Eve when we got all of it. We drove to grandma's that next morning.. which normally would only take us about 10 minutes to get there, but that morning, it took us a good hour or so to get there because of the roads. It was the only white Christmas that I can remember us having.. and it will be one that I'll never forget.
Another great memory that I have.. which I now wish I would have never had to begin with, was when my parents took me to the local Honda dealership and bought me a Honda 'Elite' 50cc scooter. All black.. right off the showroom floor!! I was only 8 years old or 9 years old at the time.. so to me, this was like a HUGE freaking deal. My parents enrolled me in a local private catholic school.. where most of the kids my age, were driving themselves to school on their mopeds.. and of course, me being 8 or 9 years old, I wanted to be "cool" like those kids.. and have my own transportation to and from school.. just being a normal kid you know? I'll never forget that day..
I'll also never forget the day that we got like 6" of pure ice from an ice storm the same year I got my moped. I wanted to ride it so badly, that my father actually went outside into the street in front of our house.. with a shovel in hand, and manually dug and shoveled out about a 30 yard circle.. just so I could ride the damn thing. LOL.. sheeeesh. What a day that was.. and if I remember right, I don't think I stayed out there for but about 10 minutes. I think that kinda pissed my father off.. hehe.
Yeh, good times.. good times.
Oh, and to all you young kids/teens around this site.. and I know there's a shitload of you around here, ENJOY your youth. I know, you probably won't even listen to me.. but if I can reach just one of you kids/teens.. and get you to fully understand that we only get ONE life to live.. ONE chance to do what we want.. ONE chance to live how we want.. and get you to understand that the older you get, the quicker life seems to go. Trust me, when I was you kids/teens age.. I didn't want to hear this either.. but now that I'm almost 30 years old, I'm starting to realize that what I was told by the older people, while I was still young.. was 100% true. Life does seem to move quicker and quicker, as you get older.
So again, kids and teens around here.. ENJOY your youth while you have it!!! Stay the hell away from methamphetamine & crack. Neither one of those will do anything for you.. except age you and make you look like the drug itself.
I was one of those kids/teens that never listened to anyone.. and I regret it now. I was the type of person that had to learn the hard way.. and now that I've gotten away from those dark days and things.. I'm trying my best to help the new generation of young kids/teens from following the same path that I took. Trust me, there's more too life than drugs. And no, I don't really classify cannabis as a drug. I classify cannabis as a medicine.
Thanks for those to you who read this and actually listened.
Have a great day everyone.