Super Silver Haze Auto Thread -


Active Member
last 1 i got 5 ounces at the end, so yer 200 grams i was close to what they say, all of my 6 girls i have are around 92cm tall, so these ones are just a bit bigger in size and in head size to, a lot of amber hairs now showing on 2 of the girl's, got one girl along with the 1 i sparyed with col silver which turned it male, and the 1 in with the male has seed's forming everywhere now, thank god i wont have to pay for more seed's it was a blessing using the spary and having 1 turn male, will put up how many seed's i get off the girl in the other room with the male since hes done his job very well


Active Member
I am really awaiting how those seeds come out... I will be first in line to do it if it all works out and those seeds end up female and not hermie or mix.


Active Member
I am really awaiting how those seeds come out... I will be first in line to do it if it all works out and those seeds end up female and not hermie or mix.
bugger paying for them if you dont have to, im just glad 1 of mine turned male so i have the chance of getting seed's out of it, hopefully it was the col silver i used which done it, as i will be doing it next lot aswell with 1 of the plant's to.


Active Member
Like I said, if it all pans out I will be doing the exact same thing myself. I figure I only need to wait another 30-45 days to find out how they turn out :)
If the case is good, I will be spraying my ass off and seeding up... may even make a seperate grow area just for 4 females and a male and get me a lifetime supply of seeds LOL


Active Member
Like I said, if it all pans out I will be doing the exact same thing myself. I figure I only need to wait another 30-45 days to find out how they turn out :)
If the case is good, I will be spraying my ass off and seeding up... may even make a seperate grow area just for 4 females and a male and get me a lifetime supply of seeds LOL
As soon as mine popped out of the ground i wanted 14 day's, seen white hair's took one to the side and started sparying for 2 week's as soon as the light went off had that 1 plant dipping wet, it still had white hair's and looked like nothing had changed until i seen the pod's showing up everywhere, a mate said it was a hermi but wanted to make sure after 5 weeks from seed i moved it into another tent with a female and it went banana big time, so now he has done what he need to do and my female is shwoing seed's everywhere forming, I will get a digi cam off a mate and put new pic's up of the one i had with him


Sector 5 Moderator
Doing a seed run is a great thing. My first shot at autos was a crap shoot. I didn't realize how damn fragile these things are; stress them and they stop growing. I had one that was only 3" tall and fully developed with bud, like a good pipe bowl full. The 10 seeds I bought got me 3 surviving females and 2 males. I harvested the pollen and dusted the girls and got over 1,000 seeds from three plants, the largest of which was only a foot tall. The next spring I grew off around 100 or so. The smoke was pretty lame but it was a great learning experiment. Man I would love to grow some SSH autos!!


Active Member
Just curious, my SSHA's leaves have a lot of light green in them, I have been forcing some N into them but continue on with the same growing looks... I don't know the strain well yet but just curious if this is how they are or are they suppose to be dark green light most the other trains I have grown. They seem very happy plants and growing well now, but just a little different coloring of the leaves.


Sector 5 Moderator
These girls LOVE lots of nitrogen!! They tend to be lighter green because they suck up all nitrogen so quickly (my personal belief). If it's a soil grow you might try top dressing them with some blood meal or fish emulsion. I guess you noticed they are thirsty girls too. They are high maintenance girls but soooooooooooo well worth the efforts in the end!! You are in for a real treat my friend.

Also, I took some clones for hydro as mine were starting into flower last year. I had a fucking helicopter flying over my house and doing circles over it and my plants were about 50 yards away!! It turned out to be a tourist thing but it scared the shit out of me. I also found out later that a C130 pot spotter plane was flying *directly* over my house every few weeks. You can't miss one of those when they are only a few hundred feet above your house but I didn't know it was a pot spotter until after I harvested. Anyway, I dug my plants up and brought them into the basement to finish them. That is when I decided to take the clones and do the hydro. So I got the clones rooted and put them in my hydro setup and they were in with all the outdoor plants 12/12. When those little SLH babies got about a foot tall, they were loaded with bud and it smelled just like concord grapes, so sweet I wanted to eat them. Actually, I did eat them; I made brownies and apple butter bars, LOL.


Active Member
Yeah they are high maintenance thats for sure... but if they yield 5 zips of bud per plant and the smoke is as good as I have heard it will be WELL worth it LOL... guess I will raise up the nutes for these girls, I was afraid too as I know they are sensitive and didnt want to over nute them, but seems like I almost cant... will work on this for future grows of it.


Active Member
Looking good! Mine are still small, but then again I wont be expecting mine ready to harvest until mid-late october. They are definitely in pre-flower though.


Active Member
mine was in pre flower from day 20 from seed, they dont take long at all, I love this new strain on auto's, Love it even more since 1 of my girl's is covered in seed everywhere now to, going to keep to this strain for a while i feel


Active Member
will do a wet weight of each plant and then a dry weight test also for other's on here, just want to no what each head will weight mostly, got to love adv nute's


Active Member
Well I upped the Nutes being fed to the SSHA girls, bigger ones are getting a touch more than the smaller ones, using DynaGro Grow, small ones are getting 450ppm, bigger ones are getting like 750ppm. Have done that past 2 feedings and larger girls with a slight N deficiency are starting to fill that dark green in nicely... even on my non feeding day, I gave them 25% dose with the watering, so far zero signs of nute burn and honestly dont expect it.


Active Member
mine was in pre flower from day 20 from seed, they dont take long at all, I love this new strain on auto's, Love it even more since 1 of my girl's is covered in seed everywhere now to, going to keep to this strain for a while i feel
How them seeds coming?


Active Member
have just cut 3 down since i have a open house, done 4 days early but oh well, 28 ounces off 3 plants wey weight, no idea how much they will weight after being dryed for a few day's, so if i have time without risk i will put up a dry weight from these 3 shh auto fem's for everyone


Active Member
figure 25-30% of wet weight... so 7 ounces or so... is a bit low for a SSHA but I know I got a few that will be low, way too short to do anything drastic, but got a few others pushing the 30 inch mark and only have pre-flowers.