Let's Face It...The GOP Can Win With a Retard And...

next ear i pull, i am going to eat without butter and salt. mine were just that good, just like i remember picking up from the farm stand as a kid.

I ended up shucking and cleaning 47 ears. Now they are roasting on the grill and it's raining. Best night EVER. :D
I ended up shucking and cleaning 47 ears. Now they are roasting on the grill and it's raining. Best night EVER. :D

you need to loose your virginity before its too late,... and you turn gay. The mormans are going to excommunicate you for fornicating with another man's asshole
you need to loose your virginity before its too late,... and you turn gay. The mormans are going to excommunicate you for fornicating with another man's asshole
And you my friend need to grow a set of balls and consider the source...as insignificant as it may be. The boy is simply speaking out of his ass and you're letting it get to you.
you need to loose your virginity before its too late,... and you turn gay. The mormans are going to excommunicate you for fornicating with another man's asshole


Remember, you know more about my faith than I do. Better stop with the misspellings or someone will know you're an ignorant little fucker. :)
You are like my walking spell check. would you mind going around my other posts too? please be sure that I have spelt everything perfectly, I'm worried if I'm not way more perfect than everybody else, then I must be ignorant....NOT! morman
You are like my walking spell check. would you mind going around my other posts too? please be sure that I have spelt everything perfectly, I'm worried if I'm not way more perfect than everybody else, then I must be ignorant....NOT! morman

merMAN, father. merMAN!

I think UB meant this, although the edit sucks ass, it makes the point a bit better.



embedding is disabled, but this is hilarious.
Not to mention he got duped but the world's most obvious prankster.. and this man wants to be President? Jesus save us all.
Not to mention he got duped but the world's most obvious prankster.. and this man wants to be President? Jesus save us all.

He didn't get duped...it's not like he fell for it, and he called it right and then left, and I thought he handled the whole thing pretty well.
What are Ron Paul's views on Al-Quida moving into Iraq? I can't find an answer anywhere....


LOL, The Council of Foreign Relations? I laughed as soon as your link you sent me to their website.
That is the stuff you shouldn't be reading, it'll rot your brain. Look up Operation Mockingbird. So before you read into that garbage, learn who is creating it and profiting from it.


But don't believe a word of what I say, it is all " conspiracy".
false. melanoma head is an umbrella term for uncle buck.

and fuck texas. let it burn. rick perry can just pray the problem away while slashing the budget for the people fighting the fires.

Its the federal governemnts job to declare it a disaster area. They are supposed to help states in these types of situations thats bullshit. Millions of people are suffering. How come Obama only wants to do the stuff thats not in his job description? Then when it comes to the things he is supposed to do, the issues get ignored. Thats like me getting a job at a restraunt. But instead of serving food, I just show up and sell weed instead. He should be fired. O wait, he will be. :hump: