cheers bill, hahah aye no doubt he was touching something you shouldn't lmao. fuck if mine fell on me i'd have to ring someone to bust the door in and help me. took 2 of us to hang the fucking thing up.Looking good Don. My bro was in our tent last week and the carbon filter fell on his dome. He says it just fell. Got a massive bruise and lump on the side of his head. Just fell...........aye right, he was fucking about
should be fucking monsterous with a 6 hun each man, cant wait to see them. how old are they? you flipped yet?
cheers man.
i got 3 filters 1 small 6'' a big 6'' and a lil 4'' the big 6'' i got on a barstool lol the secret jardin ds range is shite i wouldnt trust it hanging above me plants.
I was lookin at me cuz's tent the other day with a 6 inch hanging in there i thought to myself shit that aint ment to support those !!
You stupid foo. hahahlets hope so mate but i have to be quiet now i have orders from the top .....u like that from the top tip top lol i crack myself up i really do..least sumone laughin