No More Threads About People!


Well-Known Member
You must have got beat up alot as a some black kids apparently.

Or did you walk in on mom with some dark meat in her mouth?

What is all the "black" shit with you all the time?You got a small penis?

It's funny to me cause you sound like alot of the dirty trashed up yard rednecks around my way.

You listen to rap don't you?
cool story bro ;) takes ones to know 1 huh :)


Well-Known Member
like seriously guys.. like, stop making threads about people. because like, it's totally like not nice.. and stuff.. and like you really like shouldn't like.. do it.. you know?

so like.. seriously, like cut it out.


New Member
like seriously guys.. like, stop making threads about people. because like, it's totally like not nice.. and stuff.. and like you really like shouldn't like.. do it.. you know?

so like.. seriously, like cut it out.
are threads about whales acceptable?


Well-Known Member
wow, so mature. lol this is what happens when i leave toke n talk for a while, i get this shit.


Well-Known Member
funny, so funny. use the ignore button, makes things more enjoyable for everybody