Sr. Verde's: ROLLITUP GLASS INDEX [Post your collection here]

Neat "V3" nail, I dont think I'd buy it over v2 though! It seems mostly useful for people who buy shitty oil domes that wont fit or use nice non-Lenz ground glass joints............. The screw cant be too bad, as the ti nails dont really stay too oily at all. Nowhere near as much as the glass ones, mine isnt even sticky yet and I've put in 10g of oil through it.

I agree. It will be like your buying it for a DOME you have to have but dont want to use shitty glass nails in...

ALSO, for the company, it's just one more option and 'cool thing' for stoners to collect... also different and unique from other brands... i think this is their attempt at a different market/product for nails.
We were just dabbing and thought of this thread! This is our little bubbler we picked up a couple months ago from ALT. It is not the fanciest or most original ,but it is one of the smoothest hitting bubblers we have ever owned.

Damn you guys. :)

I just picked up a Phire bong not too long ago. Wish i would have went with SG or Toro...

Im talking to a glassblower now about getting a sick 18" straight tube, stemline to gridded 8 Perc. Worked. Very custom Oil Globe and more.

Much thanks to the YT vids ive been watching and this Glass section. So thanks ! :) :)
We were just dabbing and thought of this thread! This is our little bubbler we picked up a couple months ago from ALT. It is not the fanciest or most original ,but it is one of the smoothest hitting bubblers we have ever owned.


hell yeah i like the style of the bub... i find bubs/small pieces work best for oil.... oil is already smooth you just need one stage of water diffusion and your good to go :D
hell yeah i like the style of the bub... i find bubs/small pieces work best for oil.... oil is already smooth you just need one stage of water diffusion and your good to go :D
Thanks! We were smoking herb out of it at first ,but decided our beaker bottom with an A/C is more preferable for our herb.
this is all glass that I have purchased or recieved from RIU glass artists!! I just recieved some new items.. so of course i had to show those off with the oldies too!

For the folks don't already know about the Glass House located diiirrectly above TokeNTalk.... Take a minute to stop up there to check out some of the fine work these folks have been producing.. You can't beat their prices either! :hump:

dish by research kitty

18mm stopper by dank shizzle...

I purchased this dish, boy, a few months ago. Kitty was kind enough to reunite the rasta rods. Thank you so much!

zoom in on the awesome kitty dish... very trippy, awesome color.

Here is my entire collection of rollitup glass... so far 8)


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Hey Sr. that black and clear piece from dank is awesome... I'm still confused exactly what it does, mind explaining?
I really dig that Garcia slide Sr. RIU has some talented glass blowers, gonna have to scoop up a piece or two.
Hey Sr. that black and clear piece from dank is awesome... I'm still confused exactly what it does, mind explaining?

to reiterate what gnome said; it's simply a glass on glass joint with a fancy end on it so you can pull it out..

you put it in there when your cleaning so you dont have to use your fingers to cover the whole..

Other aesthetic uses too.. but you don't smoke out of it, its solid.

edit: some photos i took for dankshizzle, figured i might as well source them here.. bongsmilie


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I'm getting fucked on oil... to this song on this piece:





matches the swoopy/cursive label and everything ;)
Glad you like it.looks better than the other 3 things I made before that one.. the others were too bulky. Way cooler than my plug. Seems like all my friends have cooler glass than me.. I just get the phuckups.
My new sherly from dank!! thing is so sick i love it


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no much glass to get all in 1 photo lol...i been doing lots of trades on my production glass for more colelctable glass...i no longer have my circ circ toro or my sg stem 8,but i plan on getting another stem 8 soon, and i want a pillar from sg real bad!
My mother's friend heard me saying what I thought this spaghetti jar reminded me of and immediately gave it to me- guess what Im going to make with it X3
