why are my cock n balls darker than the rest of my body, but only when i'm flaccid?
is it becuase of the skin not being stretched? they get even darker when its cold.
you should seek the advice of a medical professional.

why are my cock n balls darker than the rest of my body, but only when i'm flaccid?
is it becuase of the skin not being stretched? they get even darker when its cold.
why does my bf always have a hard dick? he is horny as a teenager. is this how all men are?
why does my bf always have a hard dick? he is horny as a teenager. is this how all men are?
why does my bf always have a hard dick? he is horny as a teenager. is this how all men are?
why are my cock n balls darker than the rest of my body, but only when i'm flaccid?
is it becuase of the skin not being stretched? they get even darker when its cold.
Ya. That clit can throw a mean right hook when it sees teeth coming.
i cant recall a morning where i didnt wake up with a raging boner, something about sleeping makes men horny in the morning
Yea......it's called dreams......like an escape from the same old same old.
Enjoy he's so fired up for you.....cause it won't last. I promise. It'll just become something you have to do out of obligation to marriage. Fun huh.
Im disconcerted to hear you say that.we have been together for 10 years. i wwould think he would be bored of me by now.
If your left testicle is the larger one, does it mean you are more intelligent?