The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Found this earlier,thought it may interest someone, called packtite cabinets and apparently they come complete with ventilation fans and lights n shelves inside an various vent holes, dont know fuck all else about em but they are from the US.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Howdy UKRG. Pull up a seat and don't forget to bring some thick skin :D

"I pity those who don't drink, because when they wake up in the morning that's the best they are going to feel all day"


Well-Known Member

ok new grower here then fort id join the fun getting to kinda like this site tbh rather cool and this thread makes it soooo much more cooler!
so then as p[er me journal i been told i could start floweirng did sum pics otherday but ima do summore today coz they lots of nodes and very bushy :) mebbe u can say if i should or not? 5 minsn for pics


Well-Known Member
see the way they treat newusers round here and u wonder why no1 stays lol

fear not well not yet anyway WoW u wait till the i finished this half bottle tho lol
lol that is my favourite picture ever posted on these boards, it needs a rebirth every so often. ill be long gone by the time you unleash the beast lol, off on a psycho/ trainwreck binge!

Haha, i'm sat drinking beer and figured i'd give you guys a break, so i stumbled across this thread :lol:

It put a smile across my face :D I'm glad to see the new mods are all doing their jobs though, i figured i should have had my IP leaked to the police for the language i've been using in there let alone simply being banned :D
i saw that ttt and had to let out a chuckle, on a different forum i used to post in there was a similar thing where this lad posted a screen cap of a website and put "what is this, some sort of space money" an it was a euro sign hahaha

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
The G13 looks to be a pretty good plant regardless of the true nature of it's lineage, there'a whole lot of debate around that one, seems noone knows. I've a bit of a thing about the Doc though, i raised a point about his Exodus cheese not sounding or looking like exodus cheese and suddenly he stops selling it, sorry he didn't stop selling it he just became unable to produce any ore for some reason. Some of his stuff seems a bit suspect with regard to it's real genetics and such.


Well-Known Member
when people can sell quality genetics for £40, there should be no reason to sell them for £200 so hes a greedy cunt lol


Well-Known Member
fuck drgreen and his fake g13

ukrg them plants are a lil on the small side for flower but it dus depend on the space you got and also i suppose how desperate you are for weed/money cause yeah u could flower now but of course you aint gonna yield as much as if you had vegged them for longer.

what strain are they again?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
That as well, we get iffy about folk wanting £200+ for an ounce, he must make like $100K+ per plant he self's and fuck, 1000 seeds for a plant is a pretty low number from ym experience, i got 120 seeds kist from picking at my hash pile.


Well-Known Member
sensi cush started from seed on 15th auguest
my space is

normal celining height

3.5ft wide and about 8 foot long but as u can see on the tray its not the length of the room


Well-Known Member
sensi cush started from seed on 15th auguest
my space is

normal celining height

3.5ft wide and about 8 foot long but as u can see on the tray its not the length of the room
u got a fairly decent space then veg longer m8 it will be worth the wait.


Well-Known Member
That as well, we get iffy about folk wanting £200+ for an ounce, he must make like $100K+ per plant he self's and fuck, 1000 seeds for a plant is a pretty low number from ym experience, i got 120 seeds kist from picking at my hash pile.
i suppose he wouldnt give a shit, he's raking it in while his genetics stay covered in lies lol.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Lol yeah yeah ya self inflating ballbag. Speaking of which though, fairies not self inflating ballbags, i think that would be a niche market, i hear that the cheese fairy should soon be getting ready for a flight, she found a little tart to keep the boys company so has time to be strutting around the country doing her stuff, i'm sure she'll be in touch.


Well-Known Member
u got a fairly decent space then veg longer m8 it will be worth the wait.

yeh was thinkin another week coz since i put the extarcotor in the heat situtaion is fixed and they seem to be getting bushier and bushier all being well il slide andother 5 pots by ther side for next grow


Well-Known Member
didnt no u had any friends in here your a yank aint ya? lol bye anyway.

we may rape the world of oil together but that where the friendships ends lol