help!! landlord putting his foot down


need to make a clutch decision - harvest or give them more time somewhere else! (cant think of anywhere they can go)

your opinions are greatly valued, first time
hurry! i have to make the choice on the 31st

pics are of torso, and arm compared to my thumb(large)



Well-Known Member
Doesn't look anywhere near ready... If you can't finish it, make some hash or cannabutter...


aw shit :( they are in little pots though
is it a good time to make cannabutter or will that just get the most out of them?


bud bootlegger
yah, i'd say they look like they maybe three or four weeks into flowering at most, and depending on the strain of course, you've still got a good month / six weeks left on her..
chopping them any making cannabutter from them like everyone is saying is only going to be making the best out of a bad situation so to speak.. being that they have so much time left on them, and you say you don't have a home for them to stay in for another month or so, chopping and making budder or hash is probably your only real option..


thanks for your input guys
a friend has come through to give them a home, an uncle of his will consider including them in a setup of his own (otherwise they will stay outside with my friend with less light)
so now my question is; what can we expect from introducing outdoor potted plants to and indoor grow room? i dont have any specifications though


Active Member
maybe try and a find a place in a forest nearby- if not then id go with what the majority is saying here and make Hash or Budder


Well-Known Member
Making hash or butter from premie weed is akin to drinking odouls instead of beer,looks good,smells good but zero buzz.

I dont ever make butter due to the odor but i do make hash quite often,ive also made hash years back from a bunch of premature plants that had to be harvested about a month early,the hash wasnt worth smoking,all it did was geek me up for about 5 minutes then nothing.

Hash is exactly like bud,you harvest too early & you get shit smoke beacuse the thc has not matured,you make hash from trichomes that have not matured & you get a pile of garbage that wont get you high.

Move the plants or toss em out,what i say is truth,your hash will suck,lotta work for fake hash.


Hey man! Run down to home depot and they have some amazing ona gel. My favorite scent is bamboo fresh because it is sweet and covers up my sour diesel plant smell flawlessly! I bought 2 and put one behind and one in front of my fan and this helps ” filter” the air through the gell. Works like a charm and a gel container only costs like 3 bucks at the depot. Also, if its not working totally.. You can always buy more gels. If money is an issue..get a flat surface an thickly smear the gel on it. Then put it at the base of your fan angled at like 35-45 degrees away from the fan so that it blows up and over the large surface of gell. I really advise looking into this because it doesnt just cover up it actually neutralizes! Hope this helps!


im happy to have recieved so much attention from friendly strangers : )

what happened;

i had my uncle take what i thought were the best 2 (the biggest one and the most mature one)

3 more i gave to a "friend" who immediately relocated them to a "safer" spot after a night in his back yard - i dont know where they are now and will be surprised if i ever see them again :(
he is an acquaintance really and my only local friend who would collaborate with me, i think he is a nice guy but he got a third party involved who i know nothing about
please refrain from sharing your opinions on the matter lol - i need to keep positive hah

last plant is flowering and will produce no more then a lid XD anyone in toronto want a cute little noname plant? : 3

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
oh boy good luck man youll be ok worst case you just wont see those plants again. At least you got some to your uncle =)


Well-Known Member
Yea man, even if those 3rd party plants dissapear i would still consider your situation a win!! You salvaged what you think would turn out to be your two best, and you were origionally gonna just chop and get extremely premature buds that would've just been a letdown haha. I'm glad that you're stayin positive brotha, because you WILL be reaping the benefits of your preserverance on the matter. If you got any questions regarding how to make the most out if your second half of your flowering period just drop a forum and you'll get your info. Rollitup is the BEST grower community in my point of view, just don't take ANY info from people that give you a negative one-line answer with no good info backing up their reasoning haha, cause there ARE some people who's info will be counterproductive for you. Keep up the good effort brotha!