The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
£200 for a clone :lol: that shit always entertains me.

I been up for fucking ages drunk n hungover at the same time, some thoughtless little scrotum's car or house alarm went off at like 4am and they didn't bother turning it off for near 4 hours, whole neighbourhoods been awake for hours.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Personally i don't think it should be a sticky. Not least because it's quite simply a thread half full of people aimiably insulting the shit out of each other, not really what RIU needs as a sticky. Use your new power as you must though i guess.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Don't think they'd care :D I'm just saying that having this thread as a sticky does not relly do the rest of the forum any favours, if the way we chat goes un-moderated then it might just encourage new folk to run around the whole place insulting any and everyone. We know our bounaries and we don't take it outside of here, on the whole :D but for new folk, well stickies are meant to be an example.


Well-Known Member
Morning guys. After reading a few posts, it now makes sense to me why the older, decent member on here don't really visit the UK thread. Right Mr Murphy lad, I want you to start earning your stripes.(any fools, get them I want people like Westy, DST, Ras, Las, Oscar etc to be involved in this thread. Their knowledge and experience would help everyone. Im not saying the like of Don, TTT or Del can't help but more knowledge and experience can only be better.

Anyway, I must be going Played golf yesterday in the pissing rain. Played shite and shot a 94. Highlight of the day, chipped in with an 8 iron from about 125 yards for a 5, yes a fucking 5.

kevin murphy

New Member
ive unstickied it thought it would of been a good thing for new uk growers aswell as old to be able to find the thread easy..its unstickied


Well-Known Member
and how would u like me to do that billy lol..
Just like people who are fannies, warn them. If people only have a few posts and are asking for cuttings or start talking prices. You know just general stupid shit. U being a mod could lay down some ground rules with friendly warnings and explain what the UK thread is all about. Comprende


Well-Known Member
£200 for a clone :lol: that shit always entertains me.

I been up for fucking ages drunk n hungover at the same time, some thoughtless little scrotum's car or house alarm went off at like 4am and they didn't bother turning it off for near 4 hours, whole neighbourhoods been awake for hours.
you seen the new avy ttt? it was a joke lol.

theres no reason for this thread to be stickied is there? all the stickies are informative this is just a place to sit an talk lol.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I know it was :D my amusement was at the punters who actually pay that much, daft cunts :lol: I love Ari Gold :D such a good character. Saying that i suddely had a thought, i don't think i've watched last weeks episode yet :O woop

I'm gonna be a daredevil and goto the bookshop :D