The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
you got one of them unfashionable ankle bracelets on like?
? the tag? no mate, never had one, i'd rather do my time than let the fuckers put one of those fuckers on me! the funny thing is , and im not joking, my girls dad actually does that for a job!! he used to a prison screw as well!!


Well-Known Member
we've had off licence deliveries for over 20 years , it was fuckin great when you were underage, when they came to the door ye just told them it was for your dad and they never questioned it!
I bet they made a fortune off that one.

Also, I looked up Ayrshire the other day, it seems to be a few rows of houses separated by fields and then another row of houses. Kind of like Emmerdale Farm. I'm curious as to why you've never moved to a city or a larger town?


Well-Known Member
I bet they made a fortune off that one.

Also, I looked up Ayrshire the other day, it seems to be a few rows of houses separated by fields and then another row of houses. Kind of like Emmerdale Farm. I'm curious as to why you've never moved to a city or a larger town?
my home town has around 12,000 of a population but its really the only 'town' for around 15 miles in circumference, the rest is made up of villages and small hamlets. ive lived in ayr itsself(pop around 120,000 i think) but i prefer being back where i know every one, i did live in a small seaside village in the north of enland and ive worked throughout the UK but i tend to get into alot of bother if i move away. if i do eventually get my degree and have adecent income i will move to better area for the sake of the kids,as i dont want them growing up in junkie land but living where i do right now means i dont tend to get much shit( that recent bit of bother was very unusual as most people wont fuck with me, not so much that i'm superman or owt but i carry a lotta back). so the paln is to live here for around another 5 or 6 years and then pissoff to nice are.


thinking about going for the offer attitude have on at the mo, not sure what to buy though, anybody recommend an indica, something short on height would be good? ta


Well-Known Member
BBC News: White Gunman killed by Armed Police in Newcastle Suburb.

Quick, fellow White Men, grab your crowbars and baseball bats, Mother needs a new pair of shoes.


Well-Known Member
any o u fuckers still alive? ahm having a white september and ahm wide awake.....fuck talk tae me or ahm gonny start makin random phone calls.


Well-Known Member
dura just a thought, it might not be the best idea postin your next grow on here. we know what town you live in (small population) wouldnt take long for them to pull up the names of drink drive charges over the last couple months. sounds like youre getting shit going again, would be a shame if it all got borked up over this thread lol


Well-Known Member
ah know what your saying mate but its not being done in my house, ahm outsourcing now, too risky after last time.