Pussy <3 <--


Active Member
It seems to be entirely true (well, a generalization obviously). I've been working with and riding horse for 6 years and I am very tight indeed.
God I would love to be a fly on the wall and really see how many blokes on here secretly barred up over that! hahaha

Hey Kuroi did you ever see the old draughthorse in the paddock dragging his big schlong through the mud? Remember how your eyes lit up? Well Im that little pony that sits in the corner just hoping to be ridden :-(


Well-Known Member
Lord Byron, one of the greatest poets if the 18 and 19th century.

Bicycleday.. Oh my #^^# *hides self behind fan*

Ack, I hate the predictive text in Safari mobile...


Active Member
Lord Byron, of of the greatest poets if the 18 and 19th century.
there once was a man from kolkatta
who never knew he was allergic to butter
some day he ate some
and got spots on his bum
that poor old man from kolkatta

Now could lord byron conceive limericks like that!


Well-Known Member
I'm confused too 0_o

However, I am delighted with Bicycleday's lovely wordplay.

A man shall revel in the sight
And in her purrs take delight
The perfect curves of her form
Her secret hollows, soft and warm

The whimper when her heart is stoked
The flame that builds when she is stroked
The cat and the woman are formidable you see
The wiles and charms of one's Pussy


Well-Known Member
I'm way too disappointed at the direction this thread went in. Page 1, "Hells yeah, I love pussy". Page 35 "Lord Byron". I'm shocked RIU.