On one hand, thank you for your service. I respect veterans.
With that said, it's been 3 YEARS, not 3 days, 3 weeks, or 3 months but 3 years! And I see more troops overseas than ever, the number of causalities under Obama's administration have increased dramatically.
Libya is not my focus, my focus is on us occupying the middle east, I am completely against the USA , the land of the free and home of the brave, killing, controlling, and dictating the people of other countries, period.
On Libya, you can't disregard Obama involved us without Congressional approval, to bomb them with drones and shoot down their planes, so that doesn't qualify as an act of war now? Are you positive every single bomb we dropped didn't kill any civilians? IF they did Obama's administration is directly responsible for the murder of someone's father/son/mother/daughter/niece/nephew/uncle/aunt somewhere.
America had no part in trying to dictate or get involved in another countries civil war. Now your loved government is only going to start propping up a government with our oil interests in mind. You don't have to believe me and I don't care if you do but to think that America is not going to try and get control of every drop of oil we can at every turn is to be naive.
In fact, if we wanted to be freedom fighters (which I'm not against on a moral basis, just on a basis of it's not our business) why don't we help the hundreds of thousands of people in African under oppressive regimes ? I would rather have troops their ending the horrific slaughter of thousands of African civilians by their corrupt governments. At least then we are directly saving lives, not dictating our interests in foreign oil. BUT there is no money to be made there, we only go where people can make war profits.
Libya is another bad situation waiting to happen as long as we are involved.