Buying seeds. May I ask what is your fav strain and why?? Thanks guys!

Favorite strain I smoked was OG Kush.

Probably because it was my first medical grade smoke and it just tasted so robust and put me in such a heavy smooth high that reminded me of my first.

Currently growing some white widow, and hope that will take the cake >;]
Favorite strain I smoked was OG Kush.

Probably because it was my first medical grade smoke and it just tasted so robust and put me in such a heavy smooth high that reminded me of my first.

Currently growing some white widow, and hope that will take the cake >;]
Hell ya man thanks. I grew OG Kush ans Wonder Womans my first run. Only got to smoke like a half eighth of the OG Kush before my "mentor" came and stole all my curing buds. Bout to move and start again... no clones anymore tho wich kind of sucks... hopefully seeds dont give me any problems :) Thanks for the response dude!
Oh yes, and the OG was BOMB. Got me just DUSTED... I'm thinking of maybe some grapefruit diesel and some OG Kush. Or maybe Grapfruit D and some AK 48? Not really sure yet... I know I wanna grow some grapfruit d tho for sure :)
How was the yield on that? is that a long flower time on those? Thanks for responding man! :)

I didnt grow it but i grow blue cheese, which is a cross of bbcheese and blue berry. but all cheese crosses are known for a big yield, about 2-3 ounce per plant. they say its 8-10 weeks of flowering but im gonna leave mine to grow 11, maybe even 12 weeks. the reason its my favorite is the stone that will mix you up completely but also make u want to get up and do stuff. and the taste is incredible, the cross with the afghan and skunk makes it so juicy and long lasting it is just all the best things combined!
I didnt grow it but i grow blue cheese, which is a cross of bbcheese and blue berry. but all cheese crosses are known for a big yield, about 2-3 ounce per plant. they say its 8-10 weeks of flowering but im gonna leave mine to grow 11, maybe even 12 weeks. the reason its my favorite is the stone that will mix you up completely but also make u want to get up and do stuff. and the taste is incredible, the cross with the afghan and skunk makes it so juicy and long lasting it is just all the best things combined!
Hmmmm.... I might do some cheese!! Anyone try growing any AK-48??
i smoked some White Siberian, that a buddy had grown, the smoke was amazing, it is a white widow and ak-47 cross. was also told the yield was one of the best ever.
Romulan, great medicinal effects and superb yield. I just grew some oddyssey for the first time, and wow, one of my new favorites -- MONSTER NUGS!!
i smoked some White Siberian, that a buddy had grown, the smoke was amazing, it is a white widow and ak-47 cross. was also told the yield was one of the best ever.
Nice man! SOOOOOO many choices!!! I feel like a fat kid in a bakery! LOL!! So I'm starting to think one of my strains is going to be a Cheese of some kind, probly LA Cheese or Big Buddah CHeese.... Need to choose my second!
I cant believe no ones asked you what you like. Everyone taste smells hears and sees things differently so why would it be different with smoke? First, what kind of effects do you like? Lethargic sit there do nothing, Get up and go bud, or maybe a bit of both. Then taste. As far as I'm concerned quality bud gets you high and since I have no preference of stone during the day I like everything. So taste is a very important factor to me. I've smoked purple that's so good tasting I try to suck every tasty bit from my joints and end up burning myself because I cant stop. Whats important to you? Anyways my favorite medicinal strain has to be AK 47. I have trouble sleeping and this did an amazing job at helping. Almost too much. Day smoke though I'd say Mendo Purps like urkle, grandaddy, the purps, querkle... thing like that. Tastes great no too inhibiting and keeps me going. great staple smoke.
I cant believe no ones asked you what you like. Everyone taste smells hears and sees things differently so why would it be different with smoke? First, what kind of effects do you like? Lethargic sit there do nothing, Get up and go bud, or maybe a bit of both. Then taste. As far as I'm concerned quality bud gets you high and since I have no preference of stone during the day I like everything. So taste is a very important factor to me. I've smoked purple that's so good tasting I try to suck every tasty bit from my joints and end up burning myself because I cant stop. Whats important to you? Anyways my favorite medicinal strain has to be AK 47. I have trouble sleeping and this did an amazing job at helping. Almost too much. Day smoke though I'd say Mendo Purps like urkle, grandaddy, the purps, querkle... thing like that. Tastes great no too inhibiting and keeps me going. great staple smoke.
Ya I think I'm in the same boat as far as I LIKE ANY HIGH! :) BUT I also have a LOT of trouble sleeping :( I think what matters most to me is appearance, smell, and taste :) I suppose a solid yield helps too! BOSTONER, I was thinking of trying out Nirvana's AK-48's ?? All the review I read on it make it sound pretty durable, fast finisher, and great buds. But all the reviews I read on all the strains on the site are good so... not sure yet.

I know I would like a "pass the F*&k out" for night time. Also tastes great. Then day time I'm thinking something super dusted but not as much to where all I want to do is sleep. I think what your saying you like pretty much explains it to a T for me too :) I would LOVE to grow some purple!!! But what I want overall are 2 strains that are DURABLE, it's going to be my second grow after the "mentor" I had for my first grow jacked all my Wonder Womans and OG Kush from the jars they were curing in for two frickin days. So needless to say I'm going solo, no physical human advice. JUST YOU GUYS!! WHICH IS ACTUALLY WHERE I GOT ALL MY USEFULL INFO ANYWAYS!!! THANKS EVERYONE! THIS SITE IS MY HOME :)
If you have trouble with sleeping....check out the Blueberry from DJ Short , she will make you sleep for suuuuuuuuure
Ill vouch for anything reserva privada....g13 labs... nirvana... you really cant go wrong... Nirvana blackjack has a taste and smell like no other truly a top shelf med
I grew ak 48 for my first indoor 5 feminized off nirvana. I grew them under 1000 watt HPS, and got about 4 ounces per plant. The buds were both nice to look at and great to smoke. The flavor was almost addicting, leaving a tingle in the mouth for hours. Im currently growing ak48 right now because one of the plants hermied, and they too are growing great. I highly recommend the strain.
Check out and to pick up seeds... seedbay is auction style, seedboutique has listed prices, but generally lower than other sites.
Nice thing about Seedbay is you can buy directly from the breeders so you are only paying what's needed...not several middleman fee's