Let's Face It...The GOP Can Win With a Retard And...

Smirgen, Seeing that only makes me wonder just how far our country has strayed and realize just how wrong we are. god bless america. We need it.

I still beleive there is hope for America and I fully understand that it will not come from people who make it a habit to Lie and offer False promises in order to get elected.

These people beleived in America and what it SHOULD stand for.
I'm with them^.
Rick Perry is the man with balls of steel most likely to stick it to Obama. Old republicans very rarely get elected president. That is my concern with Ron Paul. I hope he doesn't fail as bad as John McCain and Bob Dole.
Rick Perry is the man with balls of steel most likely to stick it to Obama. Old republicans very rarely get elected president. That is my concern with Ron Paul. I hope he doesn't fail as bad as John McCain and Bob Dole.

Balls of steel? He was a fucking cheerleader in college.
Rick Perry is the man with balls of steel most likely to stick it to Obama. Old republicans very rarely get elected president. That is my concern with Ron Paul. I hope he doesn't fail as bad as John McCain and Bob Dole.

Ron Paul is a very fit guy just so you know, to use age as an issue when it comes to something like the future of our country is lacking in the idea that every man is equal, besides Ron Paul will ride a bike 20 miles in 100 degree heat in Houston for the establishment, so that's one less thing they can try to use to disprove his electability.

Rick Perry is a clown, close your eyes when he talks and it sounds like Bush Jr., it's scary. Romney is a corporate lapdog who dodges issues. Bachmann has no policies, just BIG talk. If people don't start electing people for their integrity, policies, conviction, and devotion to the Constitution we are screwed, personally I believe if Ron Paul doesn't win the GOP nomination this country is hopeless. The moment that happens I'm making plans to abandon this society as it's fails and falls further and further into the hole we are already in.
Balls of steel? He was a fucking cheerleader in college.

I don't got the balls to be a cheerleader. As long as hes not a gay cheerleader, or in your case Carne, a gay morman cheerleader.:lol: It just goes to show he doesn't care about the "in crowd" or give into pressure. 47% of the jobs that have been created the past few years are ALL in Texas. I go by people's record, not so much what they say. I believe actions speak MUCH louder than words. Out of all the candidates, Rick Perry is the one Obama is scared of the most. I will support anybody thats willing to stand up to Obama in a debate, and then make him eat his own words
I don't got the balls to be a cheerleader. As long as hes not a gay cheerleader, or in your case Carne, a gay morman cheerleader.:lol: It just goes to show he doesn't care about the "in crowd" or give into pressure. 47% of the jobs that have been created the past few years are ALL in Texas. I go by people's record, not so much what they say. I believe actions speak MUCH louder than words. Out of all the candidates, Rick Perry is the one Obama is scared of the most. I will support anybody thats willing to stand up to Obama in a debate, and then make him eat his own words

Yes and Texas has the highest percentage of minimum wage jobs, school drop-outs and the most people without adequate healthcare. Great job Brownie! Just another Bush stooge firmly implanted in his sphincter.
Yes and Texas has the highest percentage of minimum wage jobs, school drop-outs and the most people without adequate healthcare. Great job Brownie! Just another Bush stooge firmly implanted in his sphincter.
Minimum Wage jobs pay far more than no job.
Yes and Texas has the highest percentage of minimum wage jobs, school drop-outs and the most people without adequate healthcare. Great job Brownie! Just another Bush stooge firmly implanted in his sphincter.

Well maybe the state governers could make some improvements if Washington would stop taking thier power away. Ever heard of the 10th ammendment? You are just minature Harry Reid drone. a mindless drone
Well maybe the state governers could make some improvements if Washington would stop taking thier power away. Ever heard of the 10th ammendment? You are just minature Harry Reid drone. a mindless drone

States Right ROCK!!!

Imagine if Idaho could pass laws against the 4 blacks that live in their state
Minimum Wage jobs pay far more than no job.
sure, but Texans dont fare any better than say - New Yorkers - finding a job (the unemployment rates and employment to population ratios are about the same); Texas actually fares worse than liberal state Massachussetts as well, for example, which seems to hurt the implication that Texas is doing any better than states with fewer minimum wage jobs, or higher minimum wage standards for that matter.
Because Ron Pauls supporters fit 3 classes
-white supremacists

Which 2 are you?

It is is impossable for people to take you seriously when its so obvious your views are based on opinions and not facts. And I won't answer your questions until you start answering mine.
States Right ROCK!!!

Imagine if Idaho could pass laws against the 4 blacks that live in their state
Well that would never happen even in a Statist's most racist dream. BTW How are things up there in Hayden Lake anyway? Ever since they tore down the compound we haven't heard much from you guys. Whats up?