First grow Plant problems!Pics!


Active Member
100_4877.jpg100_4860.jpg100_4856.jpg100_4871.jpg100_4854.jpgokay so this is my second time writing all of this cause my tab crashed and100_4858.jpg took away my first post and for some reason even though i copied it it ate that to. So here we again. I been feeding my plant water that contained water condioner because i read on here you can use that instead of leaving your 100_4857.jpgwater out all night. it got the leave sometimes it could the problem.100_4863.jpg I also started to spray the bug spray on them because in the beginning i thought might be a bug problem but that only seemed to make it worse.100_4858.jpgit started off on my big plant and spread(i guess) to my seedlings. It starts off as glossy spots on leaves then turns reddish brown, 100_4855.jpgthen the tips of the leaves curl. i am thinking about foliar feeding with neptunes harvest and distilled water to perk them back up and help them fight this affliction.100_4866.jpg Any diagnios, treaments, or opions to help save these plants would great! Sorry for the bad pics but my camera is jacked up.100_4859.jpg
Don't watered them with nut....ONLY WATER with fresh water man,,,,,
This is high nut solution problem
the big plant has bonemeal and espoma flowertone mixed in soil. the rest have only soil. i was feeding with neptunes but stop last week and the problem has gotton much worse since i stopped.but i didn't wanna over feed.
no it's 2-3-1 it is the seaweed combo. i was putting 1tbs per gal as the intrutions say. i found them taking really well but i still thought to do this ever other week since i was watering once a week.
So you think i need more nutes? is it not that water conditioner stuff? see pics seven glossy spots on leaves? does that always show up before the brown marks on leaves? Sorry for all the questions.
Don't watered them with nut....ONLY WATER with fresh water man,,,,,
This is high nut solution problem

i really don't think that it is because i have only been watering with water for a week, i use netunes 2-3-1 last week, my seedlings don't get anything but that and are in soil organic soil. i am leaning more towards they might need some kinda veg nutes. But what do you mean by fresh water? distilled or plain tap?
Dis-reguard those comments and just feed them. The NH is fine your probably just feeding more on the lite side
You have other issues, I've never heard of your dirt, what's in it? any nutes? The plant in the clear cup is ready to be transplanted, that would help that one:lol:
That's if it likes the dirt you put'em :clap:
You have other issues, I've never heard of your dirt, what's in it? any nutes? The plant in the clear cup is ready to be transplanted, that would help that one:lol:
That's if it likes the dirt you put'em :clap:

All purpose indoor & outdoor container potting mix. Contains aloe vera and yucca extract. Beneficial soil microbes plus Mycorrhizae are part of the ProBiotic® Inside. Ideal for vegetables, container plants, flowers, houseplants, hanging baskets and compost tea

sounds good so i am trying it out,i bought it at local nursey.And yes i know i really need to replant those seedling but where i live the hurricane irene hit and stores have been closed for a couple days. wish i did it before the storm cause they need to watered twice a day now and are really rooting up those cups.I am running out today to see if the stores are open so i can get new pots.
bump! no offense but can someone second his opinon? i feel like i need someone esle to concur to make sure i am making the right choice.
So you think i need more nutes? is it not that water conditioner stuff? see pics seven glossy spots on leaves? does that always show up before the brown marks on leaves? Sorry for all the questions.

No more bug spray right now. i will back up max an say that they seem underfed. that water conditioner wont hurt anything if its ONLY chlorine remover.
I also dont like your veg ratio at all. 2-3-1 .... 3-2-1 would be better right now, an 3-1-1 would be best in MY opinion.
So i do think your on the right track with needing more "veg food" (more N)
You also said some/one has bonemeal an that flowertone shit in it an both of those things are "bloom food" plus the NH is more of a bloom food also, so i think your cheapest route would be to go to the local grow store an get some fish emultions (there usually about 5-1-1) ..... feed with only that for 3 or more waterings (everytime) an then you'll start seein what you want to see......

Your soil is very good organic shit , so dont feed the seed anything else till it starts showin new growth.

soil :joint:
I think we need to take another look at what is actually happening and at least clear a couple of things up. He goes from watering once a week to twice a day - I've had plants in 20 oz cups for 2 months without watering twice a day or even once a day. How often are you watering/feeding them? that is the question at hand.

Edit - Yep, now that I go back and look, it definitely looks like its just too much water. also, why the water treatment, do you have hard water there? Do you have an ec/tds meter you could check your tap water with, or google the water report from the local supplier and see how much of what is in there, maybe you don't need to use it. I mean, how hard is it to let a bathtub of water sit for 24 hours? I got an 18 gal rubbermaid tub and hooked up a fishtank air supply and stone to bubble, I just keep fresh water in and don't water for 24 hours after filling, pretty easy rules to live by. Oh, and every week I'll add 1.25ml of 35%h2o2 per gallon to help preserve "freshness", lol!
hey everyone thanks for the response, It turns out the nutes were low i uped them and and transplanted eeverything and bought a veg nute 4-2-3 npk organic added at full strengh. everthing perked up lovely execpt for the one already in the big containter that dude was just sick, but like i said it was a he so... ya thanks for all the help.

I do i have a quick question though....I had been using cfls till the 6th week of flower upgraded to a 400 hps is it going to make a big difference on yeild or is a little to late?
wouldve just kept the cfls shit youre almost finished and whats the ph balance.heat can cause leaf curl,needing a bigger pot etc....yea and 6th week into flowering you only using 1 tbs yea thats not enough for her age 1 1/2 per gallon maybe a first time grower and the only problems i had to adjust was the heat i mean from reading i took it all in you just have to check and see whats not right...go through and read different forums dog and take it all in as u read then youll know whats right and whats not right,then youll know whats wrong without having to ask.....if u got good friends on here theyll tell u whats wrong just keep posting pics i learn new shit everyday about this g.l bro