What's Will All The Religion Hatred?

this old annoying douche again?


the OP wants everyone to join hands and get along, for the sole reason of not bashing religion. its not going to happen. i was pointing out the reasons why.
the OP wants everyone to join hands and get along, for the sole reason of not bashing religion. its not going to happen. i was pointing out the reasons why.

No bro you have it all wrong. I heard from both sides (believers - non-believers) that the world would be better if we can make an agreement. So to complete that agreement I believe that (most) atheists should stop thinking they are smarter or better than anyone else just because they don't believe in a religion, and that believers should stop damning people to hell and stop holding back science (which apparently they still do). Go ahead and keep bashing us cuz it's actually kinda funny, but when you make enemies on RIU that's when arguing or bashing should stop. IMO.
cant we just round up all the religious folk and burn them like witches ? then everyone left can leave the past behind them and get along with eachother ? call it genocide if you like but i prefer the word cleansing lol
god is not religion, religion is man made, thus flawed. wars, all of them, are fought for greedy reasons. An excuse to please the masses would usualy be needed, religion was and is a very good one. Science can not prove there is a god, but it can not prove there is not one either. The more science looks into the matter the more it looks like there had to have been a master mind behind creation and life. Science discovers more questions than answers each day. In the future I believe that religion as we know it will cease to be and be replaced by spirituality. Energy does not cease to be it just changes form
No bro you have it all wrong. I heard from both sides (believers - non-believers) that the world would be better if we can make an agreement. So to complete that agreement I believe that (most) atheists should stop thinking they are smarter or better than anyone else just because they don't believe in a religion, and that believers should stop damning people to hell and stop holding back science (which apparently they still do). Go ahead and keep bashing us cuz it's actually kinda funny, but when you make enemies on RIU that's when arguing or bashing should stop. IMO.

i will continue to bash religion because it does not deserve my respect. religion will not stop holding back science because thats one of the reasons it exists. if religion didnt get in the way of science, and people actually knew science, then i believe people wouldnt believe in religion. for the most part at least.
i will continue to bash religion because it does not deserve my respect. religion will not stop holding back science because thats one of the reasons it exists. if religion didnt get in the way of science, and people actually knew science, then i believe people wouldnt believe in religion. for the most part at least.

I am curious (not fighting) can you explain to me how religions hold back science today? Isn't science based on facts so how is a bunch of religious people gonna hold science back?
I am curious (not fighting) can you explain to me how religions hold back science today? Isn't science based on facts so how is a bunch of religious people gonna hold science back?

That's a great question.

Stem cells are a perfect example. Religious people believe that life begins at the moment of conception, so when doctors go in and harvest these cells in order to physically grow any organ a candidate might need that their body will not reject because of infection or the wrong blood type or whatever, these religious people feel it's a sin against God. There are enough of these people to get our government to hold back funding for scientific research that could potentially save millions of lives and stop an immeasurable amount of human suffering, but belief in an unprovable, immeasurable, imaginary fucking being is holding us back. Forgive me but that's just insane.

I could sit here and come up with dozens more examples.

Organized religion and the lack of critical thought has always been the greatest barrier to scientific advancements.
That's a great question.

Stem cells are a perfect example. Religious people believe that life begins at the moment of conception, so when doctors go in and harvest these cells in order to physically grow any organ a candidate might need that their body will not reject because of infection or the wrong blood type or whatever, these religious people feel it's a sin against God. There are enough of these people to get our government to hold back funding for scientific research that could potentially save millions of lives and stop an immeasurable amount of human suffering, but belief in an unprovable, immeasurable, imaginary fucking being is holding us back. Forgive me but that's just insane.

I could sit here and come up with dozens more examples.

Organized religion and the lack of critical thought has always been the greatest barrier to scientific advancements.

Hmm nice example that's messed up and I believe that religious people should keep there beliefs to themselves and not make it other people's business. Not to be a douche but can you give another example (once again just out of curiosity)?
Hmm nice example that's messed up and I believe that religious people should keep there beliefs to themselves and not make it other people's business. Not to be a douche but can you give another example (once again just out of curiosity)?

Religions are successfully hindering the advancement of valid scientific theories that contradict dogmatic accounts of human origins. Religions make it OK for people to say "that's reality? Well, I don't agree with that..." when it should be "that's reality? Well.. that makes me a little uncomfortable, but.. can't really argue with that..". Religions provide routes of division among our population. "Divide and conquer". A well known military tactic throughout history, equally as effective against a population ignorant of science.

Science is our weapon against deceit. Deceit is EVERYWHERE. It's our weapon against enemies we carelessly pass onto our children and the next generations. There is no better way, no systematic way of testing reality, than science.
Facing the cold, harsh truth can have that effect on people.

I mean that maybe God wants this kind od blasphemy silenced or that if the man in the video is right that their would be no reason not to smash him and reduce compitition he's trying to say there's no God so then who would know if I smashed him with a rock and took his things?
I mean that maybe God wants this kind od blasphemy silenced or that if the man in the video is right that their would be no reason not to smash him and reduce compitition he's trying to say there's no God so then who would know if I smashed him with a rock and took his things?
I mean that maybe God wants this kind od blasphemy silenced or that if the man in the video is right that their would be no reason not to smash him and reduce compitition he's trying to say there's no God so then who would know if I smashed him with a rock and took his things?

How can you not see this ^^^, right here, is why non believers rally so hard against these beliefs.

Your imaginary friend takes priority over other human beings.

That's disgusting, frankly.
Your imaginary friend takes priority over other human beings.
That's disgusting, frankly.
any number of things take priority over other human beings. greed, envy and political differences, to name only a few. that a bunch of folks consider the order of the universe to stand ahead of human life is probably among the least of our worries.
I mean that maybe God wants this kind od blasphemy silenced or that if the man in the video is right that their would be no reason not to smash him and reduce compitition he's trying to say there's no God so then who would know if I smashed him with a rock and took his things?

Ah yes, if god wants this man silenced it makes sense that rather then do it himself directly or through natural means, he would inspire you to do it for him, and the method he would chose is for you to pervert his message of love into an expression of hate. I can see you have thought this through. Interesting you suggest that without the idea of god it is okay to smash the heads of people who believe different from you. I guess if the principal isn't watching it's okay to be a bully. How quickly and with barely the slightest push you abandon Christ's teachings and revert to a high school mentality where violence is the answer.
Hmm nice example that's messed up and I believe that religious people should keep there beliefs to themselves and not make it other people's business. Not to be a douche but can you give another example (once again just out of curiosity)?

another big thing that i dont like is people that vote in government representatives primarily on which god he/she believes in. a politician can get up on stage and make claims that god is telling us to do this or that, and what we should believe in. they hold prayer events and say a bunch of bullshit about how this is the time jesus will intervene into our societal problems and fix them. then the people rally behind that guy and he ends up winning.
if it was a christian vs. an atheist, theres almost no chance that the atheist will win because the christian has the vast majority of the religious vote. of course it depends on where you live and what position the politician is running for...

and of course these religious politicians get into office and fuck everything scientific up in order to pander to their base. like stem cell research, as padawan pointed out
any number of things take priority over other human beings. greed, envy and political differences, to name only a few. that a bunch of folks consider the order of the universe to stand ahead of human life is probably among the least of our worries.

Hey uti, I haven't seen you around in a while, how have you been?

I agree with your point, but each of the examples you listed are at least quantitative. I also think it's wrong for greed, envy or any political differences to take priority over life.

Again, what you seem to be saying is "well this, this and this do it too, so what's your point?" "yeah, those are wrong too", I don't think you've expressed a counterpoint to that yet though, so what would you counter that with?

Before you say something like "you rally much more against religious beliefs than you do against human greed, envy or political differences, you're being inconsistent", I feel organized religion is the biggest problem amongst each of the other ones and it helps perpetuate the underlying issue in all of them, ignorance.