N deficiency 8 days into 12/12????

Im wondering if was to add EWC, would the microbes in that diagnose and fix the problem by unlocking any sequestered nutes? for the basic i know that EWC isnt a good direct source of N.


Well-Known Member
Blessedlungs no one is talking to you because your a retard who starts fights when people are trying to help you. And are you really so dumb that you cant even upload a fucking picture? Well for your info you click on the PICTURE TO UPLOAD A PICTURE! or you click attach file derp derp derp. lol... I should get rep because I helped this guy figure something out LOL!

I would like to say you should research soils before you buy them, I learned the hard way. If you want to be dumb and not research you can trial and error and maybe kill off some plants.


Active Member
OMG this guy is so fucking stupid. Look stop using the crappy ass ferts you have now and go with Classic Jack 20-20-20 and 10-30-20. Take a gallon fill up with water put 1/4 of both in the gallon. Close gallon . Shake it up. Empty half of half of the gallon out. Fill with water again to the top. Wait 2 days then pour some of it in the pot wait 5-6 days for results.


Legal Moderator, Esq.

And you felt the need to double post? When people are trying to help them? Moron. - rep lol



Legal Moderator, Esq.
Cause your the one that asked one of the stupidest questions I have ever seen.. DUHHHH my plant is lacking nitrogen so what do I do? Some fucking retards just shouldn't grow.. MORON... Good luck getting help next time ASSHOLE
was gonna +rep but I'm over my limit I'll hit ya later lol
Blessedlungs no one is talking to you because your a retard who starts fights when people are trying to help you. And are you really so dumb that you cant even upload a fucking picture? Well for your info you click on the PICTURE TO UPLOAD A PICTURE! or you click attach file derp derp derp. lol... I should get rep because I helped this guy figure something out LOL!

I would like to say you should research soils before you buy them, I learned the hard way. If you want to be dumb and not research you can trial and error and maybe kill off some plants.
ok another sidekick just tryin to fit in, man kill urself... hey dumbass if i recall I stated this is the first problem I have ever had growin that i couldnt figure out for myself, and i have never needed to post a pic. ur a fucking follower, definately no need for anymore of those in this world... I grow in nothing but FFOC mixtures but here we go, a dumb ass remark about researching soils in an attempt to sound smart that came from nowhere.... At least you acknowledge your a dumbass that learned the hard way, but unlike you I dont have a bunch of post askin dumb questions because I researched before I started and still do after years of this. ur a fucking joke dude just tryin to be down but lack enough sense to be your own person. seems like you spend a lot of time in the urban dictionary, think you might just be tryin too hard??? I checked your low budget ass grow out.... that shit was funny!!! lmao @ u "bruh!" only a lame would even try so hard.
OMG this guy is so fucking stupid. Look stop using the crappy ass ferts you have now and go with Classic Jack 20-20-20 and 10-30-20. Take a gallon fill up with water put 1/4 of both in the gallon. Close gallon . Shake it up. Empty half of half of the gallon out. Fill with water again to the top. Wait 2 days then pour some of it in the pot wait 5-6 days for results.
I cant believe people try this hard and say some of the most out of whack shit just to say something...."Botanicare is crap" you and the beginner can ride the short bus together and yes you still have to wear your helmet even though it makes it hard for you to lick the windows! bahahahahahah
anyone with a lick of sense would understand why I got upset about the post. he even said that he put it there because he assumed i knew nothing about growing... max u did that to be the asshole you definately are. its so sporadic that you meet someone that is willing to create a path rather than just follow one. is the reason y'all focus on me using "bruh" rather than what I actually said due to you actually have nothing to say of importance? just wondering? if the future of rollitup is condescending comments and post then have mercy on those that are actually beginners that look for help. so go ahead and start a cult of idiocracy, but just know you will only be as strong as your smartest idiot...


Well-Known Member
Actually I learned the hard way 1 time, but anyways, such illogical statements and insults. I shouldn't waste my time dealing with such refuse. You sicken me, and now I have cast a spell on your plants and they will all die. I am sorry to say but, never fuck with a wizard. I would also like to say that you are pitiful and ill mannered, and on the other hand I am wise and 6'2 245lbs. For this my friend, not I shall die, BUT YOU SHALL DIE.

But first :joint::blsmoke:bongsmilie:eyesmoke::sleep::twisted:kiss-ass:twisted:If your mental capacity can grasp my smiley algorithmic pattern, then you will know what I have to do before you die.

Actually I learned the hard way 1 time, but anyways, such illogical statements and insults. I shouldn't waste my time dealing with such refuse. You sicken me, and now I have cast a spell on your plants and they will all die. I am sorry to say but, never fuck with a wizard. I would also like to say that you are pitiful and ill mannered, and on the other hand I am wise and 6'2 245lbs. For this my friend, not I shall die, BUT YOU SHALL DIE.

But first :joint::blsmoke:bongsmilie:eyesmoke::sleep::twisted:kiss-ass:twisted:If your mental capacity can grasp my smiley algorithmic pattern, then you will know what I have to do before you die.

Nice try. lol but your still an idiot because the only illogical statements made were by you. Of every comment your seem the least thought out, but you tried to pull it together in the end. ROTFLMMAO! Lame as they come...
OMG this guy is so fucking stupid. Look stop using the crappy ass ferts you have now and go with Classic Jack 20-20-20 and 10-30-20. Take a gallon fill up with water put 1/4 of both in the gallon. Close gallon . Shake it up. Empty half of half of the gallon out. Fill with water again to the top. Wait 2 days then pour some of it in the pot wait 5-6 days for results.
If this comment is what your referring to as trying to help your dumber than i thought! (Especially in reference to Botanicare)


Well-Known Member
See Blessedlungs now you have the curse of not one but two people on you. and also people who say "bruh" should use words like sporadic. :)

One last thing "idiocracy" really is not a word, and you probably just got it from a movie title. I'm sorry but once again you and your grammar lose. :( Even though it might be defined as a word it is made up and therefore, the correct word you should of used idiosyncrasy, or you could of said idiocrasy, but you did not. So by definition of defeat, you lose.

the last thing I will ever say to this person is that he started it, because he could not figure out how to upload a picture, it is fairly simple, and there are instructions on how to do it.



Active Member
See Blessedlungs now you have the curse of not one but two people on you. and also people who say "bruh" should use words like sporadic. :)

One last thing "idiocracy" really is not a word, and you probably just got it from a movie title. I'm sorry but once again you and your grammar lose. :( Even though it might be defined as a word it is made up and therefore, the correct word you should of used idiosyncrasy, or you could of said idiocrasy, but you did not. So by definition of defeat, you lose.

the last thing I will ever say to this person is that he started it, because he could not figure out how to upload a picture, it is fairly simple, and there are instructions on how to do it.

Yea he can go to hell. Without any help and his dumb knowledge he's gonna kill the plant. If he keeps running his mouth his plant go's goodbye.
Still tryn too hard, ""idiocracy is not a word", and then "it is defined as a word"" Just give up, if by saying I lose in whatever internal battle you are having for being wrong and in denial, then that's fine. defense mechanisms at their finest. Wonderful but pitifull exit... Not to mention you openly admit you smoke "moles" is that a word, well... yeah its "defined as a word" lmao


Well-Known Member
Alright I'm gonna try and be nice since you apparently don't remember what your wrote... You should go back and read your first post because in NO way do you ask what the "best" way to go about it was..... Next time word your questions right so your not misunderstood...


Well-Known Member
Im beginning my second week of 12/12 and having a major N deficiency. Im pretty sure thats what it is, so no need for pics. Also im using Botanicare products. Pure Pro 3-2-4 , Pure Bloom 1-4-5 ,Cal Mag 2-0-0, Liquid Karma .1-.1-.5 and Sweet 0-0-0. Somebody pls help!!!!
oh im in FF soil by the way...:sad:
Here is your question... well it's not really even a question.


Well-Known Member
Naw fuck bein nice, you claimed that your an experienced grower?? And you don't know one of the most basics parts of growing like how to provide more Nitrogen? Like I said your an asshole that probably shouldn't even be growing in the first place. How old are you 12? Lets come on here, ask for help and then start talking shit to everyone. MORON!!!!