What a real Libertarian Like Dave Nalle thinks of Ron Paul

The Ron Paulrahnas are hungry.


This always happens when someone attacks their God, Ron The Paul.

These replies are when someone like dukeanthony, misquotes stuff he found with google and then makes radical assumptions about Ron Paul's agenda when in fact anyone can find many videos, VIDEOS may I mention, where Ron Paul gives a pretty clear description of what his policies are.

I'm betting you can't find any other politician like that with a voting record to support it, shoot Obama is a KNOWN liar.


just an example, there are other pages published mid june, early july up.


"and there are currently about 47,000 U.S. troops still in the country. Withdrawal, set to seriously go into effect by late summer"
So if we are "Paulrhanas" for backing the only guy with integrity and policies based on historical facts then so be it. He's my guy to win.
These replies are when someone like dukeanthony, misquotes stuff he found with google and then makes radical assumptions about Ron Paul's agenda when in fact anyone can find many videos, VIDEOS may I mention, where Ron Paul gives a pretty clear description of what his policies are.

I'm betting you can't find any other politician like that with a voting record to support it, shoot Obama is a KNOWN liar.


just an example, there are other pages published mid june, early july up.


So if we are "Paulrhanas" for backing the only guy with integrity and policies based on historical facts then so be it. He's my guy to win.

August 22, 2010 7:44 PM Leaving Iraq: Last U.S. Combat Brigade Departs

You don't bother reading replies do you?


Yup, America troops still in Iraq, to the tune of almost 50k. Published August 20th, 2011

They call them "non-combat" troops, yeah, ok.

And what's the Ron Paul plan? Leave a gigantic power vaccum in a strategically important country? See where the chips fall... Just because a bunch of armchair stoner strategists think "that's what's best..." because why again? What the fuck is the point? Do your homework folks. If it was just so easy, don't you think we would have done that already? Do you really think you are smarter than the best and the brightest minds this country has to offer? What the hell is wrong with some of you?
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Salad fingers for President!

The "leaders" are subject to the circumstances dictating their terms of service. These are not optional endeavors. They are pressing situations that have to be addressed, regardless of the promises made during the campaign season, or what's said infront of cameras while in the office. More often than not their decisions boil down to "what is the least damaging for our country" whether it's obvious to the public is irrelevant. Whether you agree with it or not, the structure is what it is, because we are who we are.
And what's the Ron Paul plan? Leave a gigantic power vaccum in a strategically important country? See where the chips fall... Just because a bunch of armchair stoner strategists think "that's what's best..." because why again? What the fuck is the point? Do your homework folks. If it was just so easy, don't you think we would have done that already? Do you really think you are smarter than the best and the brightest minds this country has to offer? What the hell is wrong with some of you?
Since when is it a strategic country? Strategic only if you want to extend your empire and use your force on people. And YOU have the gal to tell people to do their homework?
WE invaded. We have made ourselves more venerable to attacks since we illegally occupy sovereign nations and tell them how to run their country. If they don't listen they wont get their foreign aid/ bribe money, (which our government steals from us)
We've been invading since 1953 when we overthrew a democratically elected government and installed the Shah. How much longer will it take us to fix things? How many more lives will be lost?
A country that was founded on property rights yet has no respect for the property rights or the lives of people in other countries WHO DID NOT ATTACK US.

The best and brightest have kept the war machine running, the best and brightest ran our country into the ground. Those horrific results are not enough to quit following these "leaders"?? Hello Mc Fly?????

How about we follow the Constitution instead of man like our founders intended.
homework lesson over
Iraq before we Invaded was a shiite Dominated country run by a dicatator who Kept Iran at bay
Iraq after we Invaded is a weakened state with on the US occupying Forces Holding (barely) Iran at bay

So Your suggestion is that we jut up and Leave and Let Iran Swoop in?

You have dog turds for brains
Bush should of never Invaded it was wrong. But as Colin Powell says We Broke it we need to fix it
And what's the Ron Paul plan? Leave a gigantic power vaccum in a strategically important country? See where the chips fall... Just because a bunch of armchair stoner strategists think "that's what's best..." because why again? What the fuck is the point? Do your homework folks. If it was just so easy, don't you think we would have done that already? Do you really think you are smarter than the best and the brightest minds this country has to offer? What the hell is wrong with some of you?
You are right, the people of this country should have no say in how things are run, we should just let the "Smart" people run everything for us and tell us how to live our lives too.
Iran's nuclear facilities are getting bigger, stronger, more advanced. Its scary shit. I gotta admit, something smells fishy. Why do they need all that nuclear technology when they are sitting on a fountain of fossil fuels? They don't seem to be using the nuclear technology for elecrical power, so WTF?
Iran's nuclear facilities are getting bigger, stronger, more advanced. Its scary shit. I gotta admit, something smells fishy. Why do they need all that nuclear technology when they are sitting on a fountain of fossil fuels? They don't seem to be using the nuclear technology for elecrical power, so WTF?
So? Bunch of countries have Nuclear powers, we don't run around killing them do we? No, we don't. In fact we tend to treat those countries with a whole lot more respect. Who made the USA the final judge of what everyone else can do?
So? Bunch of countries have Nuclear powers, we don't run around killing them do we? No, we don't. In fact we tend to treat those countries with a whole lot more respect. Who made the USA the final judge of what everyone else can do?

god and little baby jesus, that's who.
So? Bunch of countries have Nuclear powers, we don't run around killing them do we? No, we don't. In fact we tend to treat those countries with a whole lot more respect. Who made the USA the final judge of what everyone else can do?

I'm not judging. I'm not even anti nuclear power. Its just the way they are going about doing it raises cause for concern. Just like how if you were to drag a body into the trunk of your car. It just looks suspicious thats all. I don't want to die from a nuclear bomb falling on my lawn. can you blame me?
buT buT rON PAUL sAyS IrAn sHoUld Be abLe tO hAVe nUkes

(And in the background all the little dick white supremacists are hoping Iran and Israel get into it)
buT buT rON PAUL sAyS IrAn sHoUld Be abLe tO hAVe nUkes

(And in the background all the little dick white supremacists are hoping Iran and Israel get into it)

I hate how you bring racism into every little arguement. It exposes how ignorant you are on so many different levels. You are begining to sound like the congressional black caucus ok. The tea party does not want to see you hang from a tree. thats rediculous
Iran's nuclear facilities are getting bigger, stronger, more advanced. Its scary shit. I gotta admit, something smells fishy. Why do they need all that nuclear technology when they are sitting on a fountain of fossil fuels? They don't seem to be using the nuclear technology for elecrical power, so WTF?
What makes you thin IRAN is any threat to the united states? they are all way on the other side of the world and have never invaded another nation since like 1900, they dont even have enough gas to fly over here, they dont even have a military hardly,their 5 or 6 jets would be shot down in seconds, they'd be lucky to hit your lawn with a firecracker.
What makes you thin IRAN is any threat to the united states? they are all way on the other side of the world and have never invaded another nation since like 1900, they dont even have enough gas to fly over here, they dont even have a military hardly,their 5 or 6 jets would be shot down in seconds, they'd be lucky to hit your lawn with a firecracker.

I hope your right. But everyone knows they have been working with north korea, improving nuclear capabilities. You make it sound like Iran is a 3rd world country. I'm not saying they are a threat to the USA, I'm just saying a lot of thier actions are suspicious. Its stupid to turn a blind eye on the rest of the world. "If men were angels, no government would be necessary" -James Madison
I hate how you bring racism into every little arguement. It exposes how ignorant you are on so many different levels. You are begining to sound like the congressional black caucus ok. The tea party does not want to see you hang from a tree. thats rediculous

Are Tea Partiers Racist?
A new study shows that the movement's supporters are more likely to be racially resentful

Sunday, Jul 18, 2010 17:19 ET
Tea Party leader expels racist Tea Party Leader Mark Williams

White Supremacists and Anti-Semites Plan to Recruit at July 4 Tea Parties
Posted: May 18, 2009
What makes you thin IRAN is any threat to the united states? they are all way on the other side of the world and have never invaded another nation since like 1900, they dont even have enough gas to fly over here, they dont even have a military hardly,their 5 or 6 jets would be shot down in seconds, they'd be lucky to hit your lawn with a firecracker.

Cargo Container
Commercial shipping
Cell phone call

And the deadliest toxin in the world is Plutonium. You dont need Nuclear fission to kill tens of thousands with it. Just a dispersal method of your choice and the ground it covers is contaminated for decades or longer