The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
anyone here heard of blue crack ? my mates just got 5 , apparently the bloke he got them off says he's pulled 10 oz off each plant in soil ... ill believe that when i see it ... he rekons he got 200oz of 20 plants


Well-Known Member
Not heard from jimmy in a week or so. Think I have to change from hydro. I will practically give the systems away. Need to be picked up though.


Well-Known Member
green crack maybe?

unless he's crossed it with a blueberry or summit..

anyone here heard of blue crack ? my mates just got 5 , apparently the bloke he got them off says he's pulled 10 oz off each plant in soil ... ill believe that when i see it ... he rekons he got 200oz of 20 plants


Well-Known Member
we could have a dawrf tossing contest



I would love to go into that house and just start smacking every midget an uppercut. Loads just flying


Well-Known Member
theres a new clearasil advert that keeps saying "awsome" annoying american tossers but all it reminds me off is the miz from the wwe !


Well-Known Member
I hold my hands up i cant spell for toffee and to be honest dont give a shit, im always doin it, always have done to much weed mate half of time i forget how to spell daft small words dont matter if you no what im sayin does it ey?
And dont no how you scotts of got the cheek anyhow with hows you lot talk lol.....sayin that us yorkshire bozs arnt much better lol
And as for the wires i went red to red black to black blue to bits!!! my brains mush bro, but got some good storys turnin it that way :)